Monday, September 22, 2014

Flohmarket in Ladenburg

On Sunday September 14th, Ladenburg was having their once a year flohmarket.  A flhomarket is a really, really big yard sale basically and also you can sometimes find some great antiques for cheap and I wanted to finally go to one.  So we headed out there early in the morning to go and check it out.

One thing that was kind of cool is that it was in a walled city.  It is not completely walled, but everything looked pretty neat.  They had lots of vendors, some stuff was cool and others were McDonald's toys.  I gave each boy a little bit of money to spend and David and I started hunting.  We found a few small things that were really neat, but not anything big yet.  But we have plenty of time!
After the town expansion in the early 13th century, there were four gates in Ladenburg.  This is one of them, Martin's Gate, which is located in the north.

This is St Gallus Church one of Ladenburg's oldest and largest church.  It was erected on the old Roman Basilica's fundaments.  For awhile it was used by both catholic and evangelic denominations.  Up till 1708 the influence of denominations often changed.

This is the center market square and this fountain (underneath the statue too many people to get a clear shot) was built in 1976 on the occasion of the 50-years anniversary of the Hauber-foundation.  The fountain replaced the market cross which existed until 1865.

They even had a little concert there during the market.  The boys really enjoyed listening to them.

The band playing very well.
This is the Domhosfsplatz, an old market square of the early medieval city.  It was named after the bishop's administrative building.

The boys were done so we started heading back to the car, well we came upon a group of people watching something and we tried to figure out what it was.  We found out that it was a spray painter and he was pretty amazing. 
The boys were enthralled and didn't want to leave, they kept asking to watch one more, just one more.

So David and I decided we wanted one, but he didn't have one that was just right.  He chatted with us for a little bit and found out what we wanted and said he would try.  He did a great job and we ended up purchasing one.  It is truly amazing what they can do with paper and spray paint and watching the layers go on and try and figure out what he is making.  It is pretty cool.

We luckily parked right next to a great park for the kids, so we told them that they could play for awhile at it.  They were very excited!!!  AJ is working on digging a hole.

AJ decided to drive the other two, hopefully they won't fall and he won't roll them flat.  :-)

The park was really neat, it had a little playhouse also they could run around in.

And of course what park is complete without a water play area.  It was not big, thank goodness, but AJ was enthralled by it.  You had to hold it down for the water to come out.

These the boys played on A LOT!!  When one person made it go up and down it bounced all three of them.  AJ was the one who usually made it bounce and he really got the other two going!

And were there are rocks, we have to bury ourselves.  :-)

David decided that the grass looked comfortable and took a little nap since we were there so long.  It was a fun day and I am excited to go to the next flohmarket, though maybe without kids the next time.  :-)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Soccer and Football

So Saturdays are our days with sports.  Luckily we only had two things going on this Saturday, unfortunately they crossed time frame.  So we all started off at Michael's soccer game, but David and AJ had to leave about twenty minutes into it because they had to go all the way to Landstuhl to AJ's football game.

Michael getting ready for the start of the game!
Michael throwing the ball in for his team

Michael was doing excellent in his game!!  He had really good control over the ball, passed it to other players and really, really hustled!!!

Here Michael is heading in for the score!!!  He actually scored twice for his team!!!  He was so excited and so was I!!!!
Then after the game we hustled to the car and headed out to Landstuhl to catch the last half of AJ's game. They still don't have uniforms, but were given some jerseys to wear for the game, AJ is number 23 in the back.

Here AJ stopping the run by grabbing her flag!
AJ with great concentration for the game.  The coach has them learning 25 plays this year and this is AJ's first year in a long time playing football, but he is enjoying it and is really improving!!!  He is doing wonderful!

At the football games they have cheerleaders there, so they made a tunnel at the end of the game for the boys to go through.  It was a good game and another win for them, not that we are supposed to keep score, but all the kids do.  :-)  After that we decided to have a lazy afternoon and went to a movie.  David hadn't seen How to Train Your Dragon 2 yet and the boys and I didn't mind seeing it again.  When we came out there was a HUGE concert there and it was really impressive.  We didn't stay too long because it was already late and we had another busy day tomorrow.

Dinosaur Park

On Sunday September 7th, we had such beautiful weather a friend called me and asked if we wanted to go down to the dinosaur park and we said YES!  Since we were gone the whole summer we hadn't been down there in a long time.  They also had their pumpkins up already for us to check out!!

They started it out with a Swiss army knife!  I love the detail that they put into it.

These little guys welcomed us into the park.  They are so cute!!!

They built Wilhelm Tell who was a mountain farmer back in the 13th century.  Tell defied the laws imposed at that time and was only able to regain his freedom by shooting an apple on his son's head.  He managed to carry out the almost impossible, but was still captured on a sailing ship but managed to escape.  His heroic deed quickly became know throughout the country and strengthened the movement for freedom and independence in Switzerland.

I thought this guy was cute, a little  Marmot.

The Alphorn was formerly used for watch keeping and reporting tasks because its sound traveled far from valley to valley.  One can hear it at a range of 5 to 10 km.  Interesting enough it is from the brass family even though most are made of wood because of how you play it.

Can you spot the boys?!?  In the left window they are.  This is called the Heidi house.  She went to live with her Uncle up in the mountains until we was called back to Frankfurt to become a companion for Clara who was paralysed.  Heidi was home sick, so she returned and Clara started coming also to the Alps in Switzerland with Heidi and was taken care of, had crisp mountain air and healthy goat's milk, until suddenly she was able to stand up and walk.

Switzerland is well known for their cheese production since 80% of their country can't be farmed, they raise animals.

Have to have your picture in the dinosaur's mouth!!!

The boys really do have such a great time there!!!  There is such a variety of things to do!

Michael and AJ were playing on the ropes, Michael would swing off of this and drop down.  Really no problem..  So I was talking to my friend and then all of a sudden I see a panicked AJ running for me and a silent, in pain, screaming Michael behind.  AJ gave him a little nudge while he was swinging like this and Michael fell and landed directly on his back with no cushion.  He hurt so bad he wanted to go to the doctors.  It was awful.  So four hours later, x-rays, ultra sound and a blood draw, they said he was fine and probably just sore thankfully.  So we headed home, but poor Michael was sore for most of the week because he hit so hard, but I feel blessed that all it was was soreness and nothing else and how thorough they were at the ER.  Not quite the way I wanted it to end, but I am glad it ended with no broken bones.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sports, sports and more sports

So on Saturday September 6 we had a really busy day and were trying to fit everything in like usual.  The first thing we had was opening ceremonies for the boys' sports.  It is a huge event that they do every year.  This is the first year that the boys have actually wanted to do it, so off we went to the complete chaos.

They had cement bleachers there, but luckily I had the camping chairs thrown in the car for the game later that day, much more comfortable!  The boys before the big parade.

Michael in his new uniform - he looks handsome!

One of the parents made this awesome sign for the boys while they marched in the parade!!  Michael is holding the end closest to the crowd.

AJ's team didn't have uniforms yet, for some reason there was a mix up so they wore red that day.

I felt sorry for the kids, they had to stand and go through all the ceremonies and talks, but they all did such a wonderful job!!!  I was really impressed!
The football team waiting  for the rest of the ceremony to get going.

They even had the color guard to open the ceremonies and there is one thing our kids are very respectful.  After the ceremony was over David headed back to Vogelweh with AJ for his football game and Michael and I headed to the BX for the scout expo.

So Michael changed from soccer to scout uniform and I helped them set up and get things going.  We couldn't stay long because we had to get to AJ's football game, but at least we were able to help! 
So Michael and I headed to the game and luckily we were in time to see this double reverse where AJ is getting the ball.

He then ran it in for a touchdown!!!!  He did so awesome!!!  He was really working and trying his hardest out there!!!  Unfortunately we had a karate seminar that day also, so he was only able to play the first half of the game and then we had to leave really quickly, grab some lunch to throw down our throats and head to another base for the seminar.

Luckily we made it in time and AJ is all smiles while he is learning more and working on getting his stripes towards his blue belt.

Michael concentrating really hard at the end of the seminar so he can pass the test.  Both boys did so wonderful!!!!  They learned a lot and paid attention!!  While they were working on their blue belts I was working on my orange belt.  I was fortunate enough to work with Professor George and he worked us hard.  There were three adults including me.  He even made us demonstrate in front of everybody a new form.  Good practice though!

At the end of the afternoon both boys became blue belts!!  They were soooo excited and David and I are so proud!!!  They really do love karate and are excelling at it!!  They are also excited now when they help out in a class they can make kids to push ups!  I guess a good side benefit!!!! 

I also received my next belt, so I am an orange belt now!!!  One more belt and I get my black uniform and I am really excited about that!!!  I am trying to catch up to the boys but man, they keep going and going, though now they are getting higher it is going to take them a little more time to get their belts so I might be able to catch them by their next belt, we shall see!!!  It was a busy day and we celebrated with some friends afterwards at Pizza Hut.