Friday, January 11, 2013


Sunday was a really busy day. We went to church in the morning and I helped for the first time in AJ's and Michael's class. They really do it well. I am very impressed with how the take k-5th grade and make it so it is for every level! They have a cute video - right now they are talking about sin - that tells the story in a way that would interest the kids, sing some songs and then break up by grade levels. I helped the 1st graders and really enjoyed myself! There were about 50 kids in our room for the 2nd service. I am looking forward to helping in there again. After that it was a quick bite to eat and then on to Awanas. I am very proud of AJ - he finished the first book and is now onto the second one. He has such a fantastic memory that I am really jealous of.   Michael is doing great also!! In Cubbies, which is 3-5 years old they only do one verse a week, AJ's class can do as many as they can remember. They have some really good teaching points in them to and has sparked some great conversations between the boys and I. Then we get them a little early from Awanas to head straight to cub scouts. It is the Cub-a-napolis. It is a race where each group makes "cars" that one of them wears and then they have to do laps and they have pit crews. The pit crews have to do things like re-fuel (feeding the person applesauce), wash the windshield (spray water on the goggles and wipe it off), change tires (take off both shoes and socks, turn the socks inside out and then put the shoes back on), etc. There are quite a few different ones. The Tigers are so big they split up into to teams. So in the first heat the top two cars go to the finals and AJ's team was first! So in the finals they had to go up against other scouts that were my guess 4th -5th grade. And guess who's team came in first and won the trophy?!? That is right the Tiger's!! AJ's group did it!!! He was so happy!!!

AJ also received his emergency preparedness pin and award - he earned this a little bit ago, but they just got in the pins and certificates.
And then they started calling out names for awards for the scouts bowl-a-thon. We had no idea, but AJ was the top bowler in the Tigers! He got a huge trophy and was soooo excited about it!!! We were very proud of him!
They decided that the scout leaders also had to do the race, so reluctantly the adults went and put on the cars that the boys made. :-)
Here is the winning team of the cub-a-napolis!!! They did such a great job!!!
All the tigers holding up the trophy!!!
AJ with the two trophies! He had such a great night and I can't say enough about scouts. I am so glad that AJ can be in scouts now and think it is such a great thing! We are also lucky to have such a wonderful leader as Victor! He is great with the kids and always planning fun things for them to go and do!! He is great with them!!! After that we were finally able to go home and get ready for the first day of school after break. I was actually really sad to see the boys go back to school on Monday, we had such a wonderful break and I enjoyed being with them so much!!! But we must get back on a schedule!! I do have to say when the alarm went off on Monday morning I really wasn't ready for it - it didn't help I stayed up way too late watching the Seahawks (GO HAWKS!!!) I have to say I only made it until midnight and they Hawks were still losing. David stayed up the whole time. I had to check the internet in the morning to see if David was happy tired or not. ;-) The boys did pretty good getting back into the routine. We all were a little tired by about Wednesday, but we pushed on through the week. All I have to say is thank goodness it is Friday!!! We don't have huge plans this weekend, going swimming, out to dinner for a friend's 40th and church, so maybe we will get in some relaxation. Have to get ready for our trip to Belgium the next weekend!!!

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