Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First day of School 2013

So I can't believe the summer is over and school has started already.  I am still in a little bit of shock.  There was so much more I wanted to do this summer and it just got away from me.  I also can't believe that AJ is going into 2nd grade and Michael into Kindergarten.  It is bitter sweet to have both boys going to school this year.  I am not sure if I am ready, but I KNOW Michael is more than ready.  He wanted to be there last year.  We found out some great news, AJ's teacher from last year was moved from 1st to 2nd grade and he was lucky enough to get her for a second year!  We are all sooooooo very excited about it!!!  Michael also has the teacher that I really wanted him to get so I am happy all around with the teacher situation!!!

The boys getting ready to head to school on a dreary Monday morning, only a little rain, but it doesn't dampen their spirits!  Michael doesn't start today, but has his orientation.

I really can't believe he is already in 2nd grade.  It truly amazes me how fast time goes and people tell me it just keeps getting faster and I am so not ready for that.  I want to be able to enjoy the boys while they are still kids and want to have me around.  I am going to treasure every moment and be as involved as I can be while they still want me in their classrooms, etc.

Michael is so excited to start Kindergarten.  We were counting the days until school started and for AJ it was five when we were counting and twelve for Michael and he said "For crying out loud!"  He cracked me up so much!!  He just really wants to start school and I am happy about that but a little sad to be letting my last one go off to school.

One really nice thing is that they let the guys not do PT so they could take their kids to their first day of school!!  I think this is the first one David has been able to be at and all of us were extremely happy about it!!!  As you can see it was raining a bit, but not too bad.

Daddy and his boys!!!

David and AJ walking towards his classroom.  One nice thing, with the same teacher it is the same classroom and rules so it is making the transition into second grade a lot easier!

AJ finding his cubby to put away his stuff.

What is really funny is that he sat in that exact same seat the first day of school last year!  :-)

Mrs. Richardson up front giving her first day of school talk.

Mommy and her...I was going to say little, but he just is not little anymore.  Mommy and her young man.

And of course Michael is in on it too!!  He actually wanted to stay in AJ's class for the day because he is so excited to start school but I told him we had to go to his class for orientation.

Daddy and AJ - they don't look a like at all...two peas in a pod!

Michael sitting down in his class, they were getting name tags on so the teachers could start learning their names.  He was a little upset because they gave him Michael H's name tag and he is Michael V.  We saw them later and they apologized and said they knew he was Michael V.  :-)

So after his orientation, we sat with AJ at lunch and then both Michael and I were very hungry.  So Michael asked if he could practice bowling and have lunch, and that is what we did.  They have one free game and shoe rental per day for the summer and it lasts this week, so we are taking full advantage of it!  His smiles crack me up!

He wanted to bowl just himself so he could practice.  And he did really well!!  He was very excited!!  By the third game he scored a 93!!!  He was jumping up and down!!!  Usually after one game he is done, but he asked to play more.

Michael being silly and "drinking" ketchup.  David would say, just like his Momma!

Michael with his new clothes and sporting the bowling ball!  He really had a great time and so did I!

AJ getting off the bus from his first day of school!!  It was a success.  He was a little nervous going into the day but said it was a great day and his first special was PE which is his favorite one!

Michael couldn't wait for AJ to get home.  He kept asking me when he would get home!  Here he is giving AJ a big hug!!!  Soon both boys will be on the bus and I will be the one wondering when they are going to get home and keep checking the clock.  Or like most people say here, I am going to be volunteering at the school all the time any way!  :-)

So this morning, on Tuesday, Michael's teachers came to our house for a home visit.  They do this every year with the Kindergarten students.  I think it is a great idea, they can see them in their own environment and then the teachers aren't quite as scary the first day of school.  Well we thought it would be nice to bake them something so Michael wanted to bake them his favorite cinnamon muffins!  I love the glasses he is wearing and while he was stirring he was dancing.  Just made me smile, even now as I think about it!!  He is a character!  The home visit went really well and he is so ready to get on to school.  Luckily only two more days and then on Friday we head to Garmisch for a church retreat for four days and then he will start!  So it should go by pretty quick!

Climbing Fun!!

You know how much my boys are monkeys, well we wanted to do something the whole family could do and it was raining, so indoors it was.  We took the boys to the climbing wall at the KMCC.  I was certified so I can belay them, which is a good thing because rarely is there an extra person to do it and you only get to climb to the top twice instead of climbing as much as you want all day long!

Michael was up first and that boy has no fear and no hesitation.

Climbs all the way up to the bell with no problem at all!

Next was AJ's turn, he did real well up to about half way and then he wanted to stop.  We told him he could do it, that he could get up there and ring the bell.

After a little pep talk up he went to the bell also.

After that, it was on!  I tied and untied the boys for over an hour and a half.  It was good so I could practice my tying and really get it in my memory.  Though by the end I had three big blisters and a rope burn on one of my knuckles.  But it was all worth it to see the smiles on my boy's faces!!

AJ climbing around while Michael in the background goes up for the bell.  You are allowed to climb up to the white line without a rope.

This was me for over an hour and a half - actually close to two hours.  I didn't realize how tiring it was to belay.

Michael climbing without the rope, messing around while AJ took his turn.

AJ over where there is a soft landing

Totally messing around and having a great time!! 

This gives you a little better perspective on how high the wall is.  There are higher walls and different ones, but the boys wanted to stay at this one the whole time. 

David getting in on the action.  He was our photographer for the day since I was belaying and he hasn't had time to take the class.  It was such a fun afternoon and a workout for us all!!  The boys couldn't get enough.  I finally had to call it because I was getting too tired and my hands were done.  One good thing I found out, they have gloves you can check out so next time I am going to do that and hopefully save my hands a bit.  :-)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Saturday at the Park

On the last Saturday before school the USO usually puts on a big party at the park.  We decided to go and I always like to get there right when it starts because the lines are shorter.  So we showed up right at noon and it was already in full swing!
These guys were pretty cool - they decided to try the Segway and did pretty good for not being able to see very well through their masks.

AJ took a picture with them, but Michael would not go stand with them.  I have no idea why not, but I am glad AJ still humors me and all my photo taking!!

Michael was tall enough this year to be able to drive them.  He was nervous but excited.  He is getting instructions on how to control it.

AJ also took a turn on them.  He did them last year but was getting a refresher course on how to control them.

And he was off!  He flew through the course with no problem at all!

I walked by Michael just in case, he did a great job though!!

AJ at the end, smiling still!!!  That is always a good sign!

Then off to the playground to run a little energy off while I waited in line with Alex.  The boys love to be on top of the monkey bars, I am sure giving poor Porchea a heart attack.  :-)

Alex was too short to ride by himself, but this gentlemen was nice enough to take him around for a spin.  Alex had such a great time!!!

AJ picking up both Andre and Michael.  That boy is getting stronger every day and taller.  I keep telling him he can't be taller than me in third grade.  :-)  He just smiles and laughs!

Poor Alex was stung by a bee, so I took him over to the fire fighters and they were so nice and put a band aid on him so he felt better!

Our picnic lunch provided by the USO.  The biggest problems was the bees, so AJ had a great idea to sit where the smoke from the BBQ was going to hopefully not have as many bees.  It worked out quite well!

There were so many things to do there, games, face painting, etc., but our kids wanted to play in the sand and that was totally fine with me!!

AJ trying to lift all four of them up - that was a little much for him.  ;-)

So they went into a group hug!!!  I am so glad they get along so well, we LOVE doing outings with them as you can probably tell!!

All the kids were given punching balloons and they were having a great time with them!  We tried to get them off where they would only get each other and not us.  :-)

Then on to a train ride

AJ and I on the train ride.  All the kids had a great time!!  As we were getting off of the train it started to pour, not sprinkle, pour down rain.  So we all decided we had had enough fun for one day and the parents ran to get the cars one at a time!  So after that we headed over to Porchea's house and had dinner together and the kids played and slept over while the adults enjoyed a movie.  It was a great relaxing day!  A good way to end their summer vacation.