Saturday, September 5, 2015


On Friday August 24th, Maria, the kids and I decided to head towards Kulpfalz.  It is basically a big playground with some rides in it.  It is about an hour from where we live.  We headed up there and had a few detours because of all the construction.

There was a little petting farm at the beginning.  Michael made friends with a goat.  I think they both were very happy.

I love how this baby goat is laying on the tree stump!!!

AJ liked the little goats the best!!!

There were some fun house mirrors on the walk in as well.  Michael has a big head and AJ has a huge torso and long arms!!!

This is their mascot for the park - not sure about this one.  LOL

Julie, AJ and Michael on the leaf bench just chillin!!

AJ going down the big slide.  This one was a little scary, it was almost a 90 degree drop at the top.

Michael having some fun going down the bumpy slide.  I think the kids like these the best!!!

Julie and AJ heading down the slide together.  It didn't work out quite as well, they went down slowly.

They had some really great playgrounds there!!  They were huge and so fun for the kids!!!  The boys climbing up the nets.

This is only part of the pirate ship park.  You can see how tall it is by the adults that are standing in the picture.

My boys do love swings!!!

What else do they love?!?  Zip-lines!!!!!  AJ heading down.

The boys were getting tired of only sitting down, so they started doing tricks like standing up, etc.

Michael climbing up the small rock wall.

This reminded me of a bucking bronco one, except that it only spins and doesn't go up and down.

Another park there with my favorite outside toy in Europe!!!!!  Julie and AJ enjoying it!

The boys were making this their obstacle course, while it was turning in circles they would jump over the yellow bars.

Michael decided he wanted to get in on the fun!

This is a little bit more like the bucking bronco - they kids having a great time!!!

This was a maze the kids went through and had to find different objects throughout.

This was one where they went up and then back on down!  It really is crazy when it comes to safety in Germany it is so different than in the United States.  This would never happen in the US, but it was so much fun!

What is up?!?  AJ is up!

Here you can see the whole apparatus.

Julie, AJ and Michael waiting to get on the bumper boats!!  All smiles!!!

Julie and AJ ready to get out there and bump some boats!

Michael and I on the bumper boats.  We were able to get AJ and Julie a few times!

The kids feeding the horses.

AJ, Michael and Julie waiting for the wolf show to begin.

One of the wolves in the show eating some meat.  The man doing the show found these wolves in the wild when they were 10 days old.  He has raised them.  They were all males.  Thankfully Maria was there to translate part of the show since it was all in German.  He did talk A LOT!!!!

Michael always finding something to climb - if there are no branches, just climb up both trees!

This donkey had an itch on the back I think.  It was fun to watch him roll in the dirt!

AJ feeding the horse - thankfully he still had all his fingers when he was done!

The stinky, smelly pigs!!  I didn't want to get too close to them.

We headed for the lakes and they decided it was more fun to throw rocks than look for fish.

Peek-a-boo I see you!!!

Julie and AJ aiming the cannons at Michael.

It was getting busier there as the day went on, you can see all the people behind Michael that weren't there earlier in the day.

I think AJ is facing the wrong way.

Michael waiting his turn for the zip-line.

Michael working on his balance.  He did pretty good since the log moved from side to side as well.

What is a day without ice cream!!!  Luckily they had Michael's favorite - cola!

AJ and Michael on their motor bikes!  :-)  I think we will stick to these for awhile.

As we were heading out the kids wanted to go down the slides again.  AJ was able to convince Michael to go down the steep slide.  It was a great day!!!  We had lot of fun there!!  At the end of the day we had a little problem, I usually park the van back in, but I didn't this time because I needed stuff out of the back and there was no parking spot behind me.  Well somebody did park there and I was hemmed in and couldn't get out.  So a gentleman that worked there tried to get me out and he came within a finger space of hitting two cars.  So we were stuck until one of them came.  Finally one came and we were able to get out of there with a little juggling of cars and off we went.

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