Monday, November 23, 2015

Spain - Day 4 - Michael's Birthday

So the family decided that they wanted a beach day and told me I needed to slow down.  Michael loves the water and beach so I was okay with the plan since it was his birthday.

First in the morning we went to the mall to try and get a book downloaded for AJ to read.  While we were there, the boys had a little bit of ice cream, though Michael didn't really want it so Daddy ate most of it.  Then we headed back to the house to pick up the rest of the family so we could head down to the beach to have some lunch and some fun!

I love this restaurant because it is ON the beach!!!  We couldn't have asked for a better view!!

I love our crazy kids!!  All of them!!!

You can't forget about the parents!!  This is where we spent most of the afternoon!

The kids spent most of it on the beach.  They came back up for some food and drink every now and then.  ;-)

I LOVE having the playgrounds on the beach, it just give the kids something else to do.

Zip-lines are a favorite of my kids!!  This was on the other side of the restaurant.  Michael heading down on his turn!

They decided that they wanted to make thrones for each of them!  Look at the sunshine!!  We couldn't have asked for a nicer day!

Water fun time!!!  They liked this water better than the Pacific because it is much warmer!!!

Now they decided to do some sand castle building!

Even the big boys got in on the water fun!!  David and Al joining the kids in the water!

Investigating finds along the beach.

Michael at the start of his run.

Michael at the end, he fell flat on his back and totally knocked the wind out of him.  After this he was done with the beach and wanted to go home.  Thankfully we had been there for quite a few hours so we decided to head back to the house.

The kids decided to have some pool time when they got back.  Kaitlyn and AJ with their underwater pose.

AJ going for the big jump!

Gabby chillin' in the pool!

Michael having a great time, again this is a before picture.  Shortly after this Michael sliced his knee on the pool so deep that we had to find an emergency room.  Once we arrived at the ER, they didn't speak English, thankfully I knew a little Spanish.  Then we were called back and one nurse knew a little English.  So between the two of us we were able to communicate.  About 20 minutes later Michael was done and had 7 staples in his knee.  What a birthday present.

I called the family when we were heading back home and asked them if they could decorate and meet us outside for Michael and they all did!!!  We have such a wonderful family!!!

Michael still upset and hurting (they didn't numb him at all when they put the staples in).

Then he got one of the masks, saw the love of all the family and his smile was back.

We brought Michael into the living room to lounge on the couch.  The other kids were great and gave him stuffed animals to make him feel better!

Grandpa bringing in Michael's birthday brownies!

My family would love on him anyway, but they went about and beyond!

Michael enjoying his brownies and all the attention.  Thankfully he forgot about the pain in his knee for a little while!

The rest of the kids said they would watch a movie with Michael, whatever he wanted.  So here they are all around one small I-pad watching a movie.

Michael's staples.  I will have to say this is one birthday is won't forgot.  I felt so bad that this happened at all, even worse that it happen on his birthday.

It was another beautiful sunset that night!

As you can see it is well past dark and I was finally able to sit down and have some dinner.  I wasn't really hungry before that, but now that I knew he was OK I was able to eat something.  I was just glad we were able to get Michael taken care of.

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