Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Romania - Day 1

So this year for AJ's birthday I asked him if he. wanted to go visit Dracula's castle for his birthday.  He said yes and I was excited because I haven't been to Romania before.  This was one trip that I didn't plan anything.  We went on a trip with MWR - they had it all planned out for us.

After a long flight, and a three hour bus drive we made it to our hotel.  It was a really nice hotel and it even welcomed us!!!  They didn't have family rooms, so we had two hotel rooms one for the boys and one for us.  They were huge and right next to each other.  The boys thought it was really cool to have their own room!!

We decided to take a little walk after we arrived to the hotel before dinner.  We saw this interesting piece of art.  Still not sure what it was, but the boys wanted to try and climb it.  LOL

We even found a place for ice cream in the mall!!  All my boys were happy.  We headed back, had some dinner and headed to bed to get ready for a day of sight seeing tomorrow.

We headed out on the bus in the morning to where Dracula was born.  It was a bit of a drive, so we let the boys bring their tablets along.  David decided that it was a good time for a little nap.

We saw lots of sheep along our drive.  They said 46% of the population lives in the country.  The name Romania comes from the city of Rome.  They had Roman provenances almost 2000 years ago.  About 89% of Romanians speak Latin based language.  The coat of arms is an eagle which originally symbolizes the Roman region.

This was one of the cemeteries along the way.  There were quite a few and large.

This is a 15th century castle - one that is well preserved. 

This is some of their agriculture.  They are the biggest producer of sunflower oil in Europe.  They eat the seeds as well as roasting and cracking them.  Canola yellow flowers are used for different oils and is also used for bio fuel.  Over 60% of the power for the whole country is produced by hydroelectric power,

There are seven fortified churches in Romania - they are Saxons.  This is one of the fortified churches.

Michael heading up into the town of Sighisoara, the birth place of Dracula.

This is the clock tower that shelters city hall.  This side of the clock shows the days of the week with Roman gods, example Thursday is Jupiter, Friday is Venus. 

My boys - wow they are getting big and are sooooo handsome!!!

This side is the clock tower keeps track of day and night.  Underneath is the goddess of peace and the drummer strikes every quarter hour.

I just thought this was interesting art work on the side of a building.

This one is for my dad who was a Lions member for years!

This covered stairway that the town built for the school children in 1642.  Before they had to walk up the huge hill in the rain and snow.  They called it Scara acoperita - scholar stairs.  There are 176 steps up to the top.

This is the school at the top of the stairs.  They teach in German as their mother tongue and still do to this day.

A view of the town from atop the scholar stairs.

My look when children need to start behaving, AJ took it when he had the camera!  LOL

Michael always likes to be up and takes every chance to climb!

We headed farther up the mountain to the "Church on Hill."  It took two centuries to finish.  The basilica was finished around 1300.  It was finished in 1620.  This was the most important structure and is 429m above sea level.

You know I love my organs!

This church had the only crypt in Transylvania.  In the coffin niches, leading Sighisoara citizens where buried (priests and wealthy townsfolk).  The coffins were visible until the 1990s.  During the big restoration project of 1992-1999 they were gathered up and buried.  The niches walled up.

The boys having fun taking pictures down in the crypt.

This is one of the coffins that they left open for visitors to see.

According to the inscription on the triumphal arch, the nave that was started in 1429 was finished in 1483.  It was a beautiful little church, but said to be the third largest gothic church in Transylvania.

They decided they wanted to come up from where dead people are buried.  It only took me calling them about three times.  LOL

A few of the church from the outside.

Headed back down the stairs.

AJ thought the flowers were pretty.

The boys standing in front of where Dracula was born.

Heading up the stairs they had this great skeleton that makes noise.

The boys with "Dracula."  They thought he was pretty cool. 

A painting of Vlad in his later years.

They called Dracula "Vlad the Impaler" and this picture depicts him eating while looking at bodies impaled.  He received this nickname from when he was a child and taken by the Turkish people.  He was indoctrinated in their ways and one of them was to impale people.  He liked it and brought it back with him to Romania.  He then used it on the Turkish military.

The family with a statue of "Dracula."

AJ and I hanging out in Dracula's home town.

We climbed up the tower to see the great views from above!  AJ was pointing out some interesting roofs that he saw.

This was a traditional wedding hat.

We decided to have lunch at the restaurant where Dracula was born.

David had a Dracula's coffee!!!  He said it tasted bloody fine.  LOL

Check out all that food!!!  It was yummy!!!!

This was interesting to watch.  They were re-roofing this house and they threw all the tiles up from the bottom.  I wouldn't want to be the one that was throwing them up.

Where are my boys?!?  Oh yes that is them climbing again!!!!

One of the other members of our group came by and took a picture of the four of us!!  It was a beautiful day, but a little chilly.

A statue of Vlad in the town.  You can see behind that there are trailers, etc.  I think a commercial was being shot there

The boys getting our coin for the day!

Again - Michael in a tree, climbing away.

A night view - looking back at the town.

After that we headed out for a traditional Romanian dinner.  It started with appetizers and music outside!

AJ came over to enjoy the fire and try to get warm.

Next we moved inside for our main part of the meal.  I loved the atmosphere!!!

It was a fun night and we ate bison, bear, and wild pig.  It was all yummy!!!  We had a wonderful first day and very full!!  We headed back to the hotel from some much needed rest.

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