Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MOM and DAD ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you can't tell I am very excited that my parents finally made it here!!!!  They had a great start to their trip, their flight from Wenatchee and Seattle was great but then they landed in Amsterdam.  We had a freak storm here in Europe with winds up to 80 mph.  So their flight to Frankfurt was canceled and so was all the other flights for the day, they found out after waiting for 2 hours.  So they were going to take a train to get to Frankfurt.  Good idea, they were supposed to get here at 4:16 pm, but then trees blew onto trains and onto the train tracks.  So then three trains were canceled.  So then they took a taxi to another train station and booked a different train.  Well three of those were canceled but they finally got on the last one that left an hour and a half late.  They finally made it into Frankfurt around 11:45 pm.  They had no cell phone and were borrowing ones to call me and keep me up to date on what was going on.  I finally found them and brought them home!  We arrived back at our house around 1:45 am our time.  So they had been traveling for over 36 hours.  They were pretty tired by this point.  And did I also mention that they didn't have their bags?  But I let them sleep in this morning and then we went to pick up the boys at school.

The boys have Red Ribbon week this week and Monday was wear your jersey to school today.  AJ asked his dad if he could wear one of his.  The boys thought they would see Grandma and Grandpa today, but alas it would be tomorrow. 
I brought them in at the end of AJ's school day and he was surprised to see them!!

Getting a great hug after so long apart!!!

And then outside to meet Michael after his class.  I am still not sure who was more excited, them or the boys.

I put them right to work - they are helping the boys with their homework.  No rest for the weary.  Also have to keep them up to change them to our time zone.  :-)

Then after homework straight to carving pumpkins.  Neither of the boys like to get their hands in the guts, I am not sure why, so Grandma had to do the digging.

AJ drawing on his pumpkin what he wants to carve - he made a Frankenstein one.

Michael was all into it, he created his own pumpkin and was really, really excited about it!!!  All in all we were just excited that they are here and in one piece!!  Also on a good note their baggage arrived this evening!!!!  YEAH!!!  After pumpkin carving the boys wanted to show Grandpa their new video games.
Showing Grandpa the ropes!!!  They also asked Grandma to come up so they could make Wii Mi's for both of them.  :-) 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Boys activities

On Saturday, October 19th, AJ had their annual bowl-a-thon to raise money for their big trip to Normandy. 

Getting ready to start their three games of bowling.

He cracks me up - such a goof ball!

AJ did it again - he was first place in his Den.

He beat the next person by 1 bowling pin.  He was so excited about it!!!

Then on the next Saturday was the boys last soccer games.  The morning as we left the house it was high clouds and actually kind of warm.  By the time we made it down to the two fields it was pouring down rain.  I couldn't believe how much the sky opened up.  Michael is dancing in the rain.

AJ's team has won every game they have played, so one of the parents made the new sign for them being undefeated.

AJ really is getting after the ball and hustling!!

Michael - nice and soaked but having a good time!

Doing a little dance in the mud - and yes he did play soccer also!

The last cheer for their team.

Michael was set on handing out the trophies to his teammates since his mom ordered them.  The coach said it was fine and he thought it was great!!

Michael and his coach.

The team with their trophies

Alex and Michael - they are too cute!!!  The parents decided not to do a big party so we just did this right after the game.  I think they were just as happy with it and so were we!!!

AJ running after the ball - hustling!!

And luckily they remained undefeated so the sign stands.  Though at this age they don't "keep score".

Last huddle as a team.  The coach was intense but did a great job with the team and they learned a lot!

Their team decided to do a bowling party.

While we were there, Michael and David went out for lunch together!!  Michael riding in the back of Daddy's new car!!

AJ had a great time bowling and then received his trophy with his coach.

Andre and AJ - teammates and friends!

They received some new sun glasses - so this is their "cool" pose!!!  The boys had a bit of an interrupted season with traveling and the government shut down, but it was good all the same!!  Next season doesn't start until December, so we have a little bit of time 'til then.  Kind of nice because my parents arrive tomorrow!!!  We are all extremely excited and can't wait to see them!!!!


David wasn't able to go with us the first time we went to Heidelberg, so our friends were heading out there on Monday, October 14th, and invited us along.  So off we went.  Who am I to say no to traveling?  :-)

The boys running up the hill.  It is really steep and I am not sure how they run up it!  It is hard enough walking up it.

The adults lagging behind :-)  Gracie, since she has the shortest legs, gets a bit of a shoulder ride from her dad.  :-)

The river and town of Heidelberg.

It is truly a beautiful sight, so peaceful and serene.

Then back to goofy - AJ having fun up in the castle!

David enjoying the view!

The big boys hanging out!!

We brought our picnic lunch again and enjoying sitting inside since it started to rain on us.

The adults, and of course the girls had to get a glass of the very good wine we had last time.  I had to let David try it after all.  ;-)  Okay maybe it is just because I wanted to have one.

The boys waiting for the rest of the tour.

All the kids laughing and having a great time!!!  LOVE IT!!!

David and I in Heidelberg castle.
We headed over to the fountain where we were going to let the kids play soccer and we found this where they played soccer before.  We are not sure what it is or what its purpose is, all we know is that it took the best place to keep some what clean and play soccer.

But who cares about clean - we played some soccer anyway. 

This time we went into a couple of churches.  I am not sure what denomination it was but check out the organ!!!  I would love to get my hands on that and play a little bit.

Stained glass windows - I never get tired of seeing them.

This was the catholic church.  On the outside it looked really old but it looks like they spent a lot of money fixing up the inside.  I would be afraid to bring my kids here because of all the white paint.
The murals in here were huge and really stuck out because of the white walls.

I am not sure if this is supposed to bring you good luck or what, but fun nonetheless.

AJ did a pull up all on his own to get his face in there.  I wish I could do a pull up! 
The family on the bridge.

Last time I took a picture there were a lot of people in front of it.  I like this clean and just the entrance to the bridge!

The boys - see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil!  Love them!!!

A look at the castle without all the scaffolding like last time!!  Much prettier!!! 

Gracie didn't want her Frappuccino from Starbucks (vanilla type milkshake thing) so Michael gladly finished it for her!!

David and Gracie having an in depth conversation.

Check out the leaves changing, I bet a few weeks later and the whole hill will have the leaves changing.  It was a fun filled day with of course, ice cream for the boys.  :-)   I think I am spoiling them a bit and they think whenever we go out they need ice cream.  I have to tell them it is when we are going to see something new.  But if I was a kid I would work on getting ice cream as much as possible too!!!