Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival

We had a four day weekend on October 11th so we headed to our friends in Stuttgart, but we made a stop at the Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival.  We did go there last year, but they change it every year.  This year's theme was Olympic sports. It is held at Ludwigsburg Palace.  It is one of the largest baroque palaces in Germany.

The boys brought their umbrellas because it looked like rain, but true to boy form, they were used as weapons and not umbrellas.  You can see that David is really scared here.  :-)  Michael in the background was shooting himself.

The front gate to the castle

The boys being good guards!  Look at those serious faces!

There are thousands of pumpkins here and this was just at the entry.

David pointing out a really neat bird in the back of the cage.

I love the color and the tail on this one.   :-)

Again with the "guns".  They are shooting at the Olympic runner lighting the flame!

This one is the ski jump, you can see the Olympic rings at the bottom.

The boys and a weight lifter

Here is a better picture of the flame lighting one.

These were great carved pumpkins!!  They were in some sort of liquid to keep them fresh.

These were two of the boys' favorite ones.

You can see here a basketball player and swimmer.  They are really huge!!!  David only came up to the basketball players shorts.

Boxing anyone?

Then there was the hay pit - the boys LOVE it!!  They found a high one and wanted to pose and have me take pictures.  AJ with his karate pose.
Michael on the attack with hay!

Michael's karate kick!!  I took A LOT of pictures here, they kept asking for more and more.

And the wonderful husband and Dad who gets dragged along and still smiles!!!

My boys!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

On a boat ride - heading into a house

AJ on his throne - it is kind of neat.  They sit on it and it goes up, the water goes up and then the flowers open up.

Michael's turn!!

They had a little area to pet the goats.  It was really interesting because the bigger one was getting mad, so...

They started fighting.  The boys were still in there, but able to stay out of the way.  No harm done and a little action to watch.

They played at the park for quite awhile, just having fun with each other!!  I love when they get along so well and play well together.  David and I were actually able to just sit and chat!

One last look at the beautiful castle.  We headed down to Stuttgart after that and watched a friend's daughter play soccer and then enjoyed some wonderful pizza!!!

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