Sunday, May 4, 2014

Moving again

So I am not sure if everybody knows, but because David PCS (moved jobs) to Baumholder the military decided that we have no right to on base housing on Vogelweh.  We tried to get an exception to policy but to no avail, they denied us.  So in short order we have to move.  We had a big vacation to Prague over Easter and then Normandy last week (posts to follow) and we are moving this next week.  I am going to try and get Normandy done before we leave this house, but if not, I will get to them soon.  I am not sure when we will have Internet at the new house because they work on their own time over here.  They said they would contact us between 1-3 weeks to set up a time to install it.  So hopefully it will be sooner than later, but one never knows in Germany.  With the PCS that also means we get to stay here three more years.  So we will be here until 2017 which we are excited about because there are so many places we would like to travel too.  We really like our new house and I will post photos once we get settled in.  Thankfully it is close to where we live now and the boys are going to be able to stay in the same school which is what we wanted.  David will have a little bit of a commute about 40 minutes, but he is willing to do that to keep the boys' and my schedule as normal as possible so we don't have to pick up and leave again.  The boys weren't really excited about the move, but they really like the new yard, which is so much bigger than the last three that we have had!  I think it will be good and I will be glad when we are moved in and settled once again.  And just so you know, we still have that spare bedroom if anybody would like to come and visit!  :-)

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