Thursday, December 24, 2015

Pumpkin carving and Halloween

So we were soooo busy that we didn't have a chance to carve our pumpkins until Halloween, but better late than never.

David helping Michael cut the top off of his pumpkin.  AJ was still working on his plan.

Michael digging out the guts.  I think this is one of the first years that he did most of it himself!!!

Daddy moved onto AJ's top now.

AJ digging out the guts as well.  I think it might be his first time doing it all by himself too!

Michael concentrating hard to get his  pumpkin to come out right!

AJ drew his own picture and now is working on cutting it out.

Michael putting on the finishing touches, while David helps with the more intricate parts of AJ's pumpkin.

I wasn't sure if Michael's pumpkin was going to make it.  LOL

Luckily it did!!!!  AJ did a mine-craft pumpkin and Michael a scary face!!!!

Later that afternoon we went and had dinner at the BX so we could get onto post.  It is a MADHOUSE to get onto Ramstein for trick-or-treating because all the Germans get signed on to come trick-or-treat there as well.  I tried to talk AJ out of it, but he really wanted to and it is his birthday!  This year we were very excited to have Julie along to go with us!!!  AJ decided to be Steve from minecraft, Julie a tiger, and Michael a ninja warrior!!!!

The first house we came to for trick-or-treating.

Most people in a neighborhood will set up tables like this, so the kids don't really have to ring any doorbells anymore.

I really liked this note - Beware I ate too much candy, had to get more back in a few.  There is a lot of candy that gets handed out on Ramstein.   Thankfully they have places where you can donate candy to help out the residents that get overloaded.

After going around the neighborhoods for quite awhile we decided it might be safe to hit the trunk-or -treat.  I am not sure safe was the right word - it was still a mad house!!!  They went through about half the cars and then we detoured for a snack and a drink.

Taking a break from all that hard work getting the candy!!  They all had such a fun night!!!  I have to admit, I did too!!!  It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, AJ was right.  ;-)

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