Sunday, December 25, 2016

Scouting campout and football

So we decided at the last minute to switch packs for AJ to finish up his arrow of light.  It just so happened that there was a camp out that weekend.  It was a big one for the scouts because they were finishing up a lot of their requirements.  We were just lucky that we changed before this camping trip.  David wasn't so sure about the luck since he had to camp out for two nights, but he "suffered" through.  LOL

I took AJ out on Friday afternoon, September 23rd, to Sembach since David had to work a little late.  Here he is with Eli setting up their tent for the weekend.

Some dads came over to make sure they were doing it right.

They were camping with the troop, boy scouts, as well and they have a certain way that the tents have to be.  So they had to get it just right.  At this point David came and Michael and I went home to enjoy some time just the two of us.

The boys enjoying the fire and some food.

AJ just chilling!

On Saturday, Michael had an early game about an hour away, so up early we were and headed out.

Michael being the center again and doing an AWESOME job!!!  The boys played well and David made it for part of the game as well, a little tired from sleeping out in a tent, but still cheering on Michael!  They won their second game!!!

That afternoon AJ had a game as well, so David borrowed him from camping and brought him out to Ramstein so he could play.

He was a MACHINE on defense.  He was swiping flags left and right!!!

He couldn't be stopped and was on fire!!!

After this pull, the team finally decided to run it the other way since AJ was getting all of their guys!  They killed this team and won by A LOT!!!  AJ was glad he was able to come out and play, but on the way back to camping he crashed out in the car since he didn't get much sleep the night before.

AJ made back in time to do the major things at the camp out.  Here he is getting ready to go make a shelter.

Each boy picked a number and that number coincided with a certain place in the woods.  They had to make a shelter, build a fire without matches or a lighter, sleep in the shelter and stay out in the woods all night. 

Unfortunately we were a little unprepared because we didn't have any of the meetings before the campout where they went over what to bring.  Thankfully I had bought enough stuff to get him through.

Here he is working on getting his fire started without the help of matches, lighter, etc.

David came over to see how he was doing.  We were so proud of AJ because he was able to get the fire going!!!  Score on part one!

Next they put on their survival back packs, had two MREs (Meal Ready to Eat), and headed out to build their shelters.

AJ trying to decided how to build his shelter.

AJ took his head lamp as well and felt a little better with it on.

This was AJ's shelter and fire.  He had to stay here by himself all night.  I can't tell you how proud we are of him!!  He was really nervous and didn't want to do it (it was a boy scout requirement not a cub scout one) but he stuck it out!!! 

Here is AJ's shelter with his emergency blanket.  He didn't have to stay in the shelter all night, but he did have to be in there for two hours.  I think that is all he stayed in there for.  He passed out in front of his fire later in the night.  One nice thing, the adults were close at hand (a few yards away) just in case something happened.

HE DID IT!!!!!  The boys were allowed to come to the main camp at 6 am and I think all of the boys were back at the main camp at 6:01 LOL.  AJ was so excited because they all finished it, they had Oreos and cookies for breakfast!!!  It was a hard merit badge to earn and he did it!!!! 

Since he didn't really sleep much over the weekend, this was him on Sunday afternoon!!  He tried to fight it, but was getting cranky so I told him he had to relax.  He said he wasn't tired, and then this happened.  LOL  David actually enjoyed himself and the other dads that were there.  Michael and I had a great time just the two of us doing our thing!!!  He did get me to play Minecraft with him and I was awful and kept dying, but I sure tried hard.  LOL

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