Friday, May 19, 2017

Europa Park

So I promised the boys I would take them to Europa Park before we left Germany.  It is only open at certain times during the winter so Christmas break was the time!

We headed down on December 19th.  The boys were ready to go!!  Look at those smiles!

I do enjoy going around Christmas time because of all the decorations!

The boys on the dinosaur ride.  One nice thing going during the week there aren't as many lines.

Coming at you!!

The boys took over the camera - I love when they do that!!!

And the camera switched hands - my other handsome boy!!

Heading into Russia - they have some good rides over there!

We decided it was time for some lunch.  We had worked up a pretty big appetite!!

What was cool about this restaurant is that they all come on a roller coaster for food.

Then you slide it to your spot and enjoy.

They send drinks and everything on these.  There are also a few places where they go upside down.  The boys and I really enjoyed ourselves, not just the food, but also watching them get delivered!

It was a little cold, so we stopped by a fire to warm up a bit.  AJ also was being so helpful by carrying the backpack since David wasn't there with us.

This is one of the largest wooden roller coasters and it was a fun ride!!!! 

Since it was winter time, they had a little snow hill to do some tubing.  Michael heading down the slope!

AJ's turn, look at that smile!!! 

The boys decided they wanted to race and it was a close one!

A little parade going through the park.

My fierce warriors!!!! 

It was getting dark - which is very early here - and looking beautiful!

The boys getting their treats and look at that cotton candy - it is almost as big as Michael!!!  Crazy!!

This blue roller coaster was awesome!!  It actually takes your pulse - pretty fun too!

On the way out we stopped into a couple of fairy tale cabins.  Unfortunately they were all in German, but we understood the jist.

It was a great day and we had a lot of fun!!!  We were all pretty exhausted at the end, but well worth it!!!!

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