Thursday, June 11, 2015

Field Day 2015

At the end of every school year, the school puts on a field day.  On Friday, June 5th was the boys' field day.  They split it up into two groups, kindergarten through 2nd grade in the morning and 3rd-5th in the afternoon.  This is really nice so there aren't as many kids, the lines are shorter and it keeps the big kids away from the little kids!!

Michael was up first in the morning.  Here he is trying to kick a soccer ball as far as he can.  He was really excited about this kick!!

Michael was really getting a lot of air on this one!!  They had to bounce to the white line and all the way back.  Michael was first!

It was getting pretty hot out there, so he decided he wanted to do water games next.  In this one you had to pick up marbles with your toes.

Then you hop on one foot to your container and drop them in.  You were trying to be the first to 15!

This one was a little more water, he had to carry the green or  blue cup, which had a hole in the bottom, over his head to a bucket and try and beat the other team to fill up the bucket.

This one you had to put the containers over your head but there were multiple holes in them.  You passed them back and poured water in a bucket as well.  I think this one became more of a splashing game than a relay.  :-)

Here one of his classmates decided he wanted to throw water on Michael.  Michael wasn't too happy about  it, but luckily it was a beautiful day and he would dry!

Michael decided this one was a little safer - not as much water.

Two of Michael's classmates, also a little wet.

Check out the air he has on the jump rope!!!

Time for a little goalie practice!

Michael was having a great time on the scooter!!!  He was just having fun doing whatever he wanted!!

He spent a lot of time on these having a blast, spinning, twisting, turning, going backwards!!  Then it was lunch time for the kids.

After lunch out came the big kids.  AJ is going up against one of his friends in bumper donuts for lack of a real name.  ;-)

They hit hard, look how they scrunched up the donuts!

Here the other student hit AJ just right that his feet went out flying behind him and he landed on the ground.  AJ did end up winning it 3-2!

AJ trying his feet at the marble station.  He did really good since he has such big feet he was able to get three at a time!

AJ working the cup relay.  He was very careful not to spill any when he poured it into the bucket.

AJ did the bucket brigade next, again I think it was more of just trying to get wet.  It was much hotter out in the afternoon though.  It was getting up to the 90s.

The adults actually started a big water fight and the kids LOVED it, especially AJ!!  His shirt was Tye-died with kool-aid and it didn't last when it got wet.  He was orange from the kool-aid dripping down him.

Here is a better picture of the bucket brigade!!

After that chaos come down on the water station.  The adults were throwing water and the kids did as well!!  There was no stopping them once it started!

AJ stayed at this one most of the time!  You can see they finally stopped filling up the big buckets, so the kids were taking it off of the track.  AJ had red dots all over him from it.  He had to take a shower before we left on vacation after school.  But it was a great day!!!  Our PE teacher does such a wonderful job of field day!!!  All the kids had such a great day!!!

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