Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Boating Day 2

We had so much fun the first day boating, we decided we should go again!!!  This time to a little closer lake, Lake Lawrence.  Megan and I slept in a little and the rest of the crew got up early to go do some fishing.

Fabienne was the only one that caught a fish that morning.

David laughing at something Chad said.

Since fishing was done we decided to go knee boarding.  Fabienne went first to show AJ  how it was done.

AJ got up on his first try!!!  I was so proud of him!!!!

He hit a few bumps and wasn't quite sure about them.  But he held on through them and kept going!

Chad decided he didn't want to let the kids have all the fun so he decided to get up on it.  He tried to do a 180 but didn't quite make it. 

I haven't been up on a kneeboard in years, I don't remember the last time, so of course I had to try.

After that it was lunch and some swimming.  This is much more Michael's speed.  He is not huge into the tubing, etc.

So Megan and Fabienne were laying nice and still in the sunshine, minding their own business when Michael pounced and off went Megan from her float.  I can't believe that kid.  ;-)
Then Michael decided he needed to lay on the mat with me, so we were able to relax, well at least for a couple of minutes before he was bored.
So after lunch it was time for the big boys to have some fun. Chad started the holding on and David had a better grip this time.  Poor Fabienne was stuck out there with them.

David just successfully knocked of both Chad and Fabienne - he was pretty excited!
So Chad thought he had David flipped of here, but he didn't. 

David recovered and went on to flip them off again.
Chad and Fabienne getting a little cozy with David on the tube.

Then Chad decided to climb on board with David, so while the boat was going full tilt, he jumped on with David.  The only problem was when Megan turned there was a HUGE amount of slack, Chad saw it and bailed quickly.  But with that David couldn't bail soon enough so he was literally ejected at least six feet in the air out of the tube.  Unfortunately I didn't get a photo because I was being flag man at that time and Chad was already in the water.  David decided to stay in the boat for awhile after that.

Then AJ decided he  wanted to have a turn with Chad.  I think he was there more to just hold on.
The both got some pretty good air on this one!!!
Chad had finally had enough so AJ and Fabienne were fighting it out.  AJ learned well from watching the big boys play.  :-)
Michael just totally happy on the boat.
Fabienne decided to get a little cozy with AJ and I am not too sure he was happy with that.  :-)

Michael finally said he would go with me.  He wasn't on there long, but at least he did it.

Then Chad talked me into going with him and Fabienne.  I think I must have lost my mind at that point, especially after watching Chad and David go at it.  He never did manage to knock us off though.  Then the unbelievable happened.

Fabienne and I thought we were going to get hit really hard by Chad because he was swinging in fast from the other side, but instead of hitting our tube he went right over our heads and landed next to us.  I couldn't believe it!!  You can see the shear panic in our faces.

Then AJ got on with me and Fabienne wanted to play, so we played and off she went.  :-) 

Then she said no feet, so I said that was ok, but then she started with the feet and then I said it was on and over she went and almost kicked me in the head.
The morning  started a little early for Michael and he fell asleep in the boat and he was sleeping while we were tubing was how tired he was.
Then Chad needed to take a nap because he had to get up for work at 3 am so we decided to go get blizzards.  I thought it was a good choice!

Daddy and Michael enjoying their ice cream!!!!  Michael loves to wear his hat and sunglasses!!

After that we headed home and two others crashed out.  I guess the two days of fun in the sun was a bit much.  But what a blast had by all!!!!!!

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