Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pullman - day 2

On Thursday we did a few errands in the morning, one of which had to be going to Crimson and Gray, the local WSU store.  We all came out with new gear for the Cougs!!!!   We also had to go to the Bookie for David just in case there was  something there he liked more.  And luckily we did because that is where he found his new stuff.  The boys also found some great books and a new series that Michael really is enjoying reading. 

After that we headed to pick up some flowers to take to my Granddaddy's grave.  He passed away last fall and I wasn't able to make it back for the funeral, so I wanted to go and say my goodbyes there.  It was emotional for me, but I am glad I was able to go.  The boys put some beautiful flowers on both Granddaddy's and Grandmother's graves. 
Then after lunch off we went to enjoy some yummy, yummy ice cream at Ferdinand's!!!  It is second best only to gelato in Rome.  :-)
The boys were excited to get back in the pool and David's back was better so he could enjoy getting in also!!!

AJ with more underwater poses!!!  They have a lot of fun with the camera!!!

Michael striking a pose!!!

Family selfie, aren't we sooooo cute!!!!

That night we played a rousing game of left, right, center.  It was the first time the boys had played and they had so much fun!!!

Great-Grandma Mary and her boys!!!!

And of course Mary and I, aren't we too cute?!?  :-)

Mary with her favorite David!!!  They do have a special bond together!!!  We had a wonderful day with her and we were so happy we were able to get over there to visit.  Unfortunately it was short since David only had a little bit of time in the states and it was coming to an end.

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