Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mariner's Game!!!!

So one of the things that David really wanted to do was go to a Seahawk game, well since they weren't playing he settled for a Mariner's game.  Unfortunately Chad was working on Sunday so it was just the five of us that were able to go.
As we were walking towards the stadium, I noticed these dragons up on the poles.  I thought they looked cool!!!  As we left there were tons more and all different.  I don't remember them the last time I was in Seattle.

The wonderful Seahawk stadium and Safeco behind it.  David was about drooling at this point getting close to the Seattle Team Store.

Getting ready to go into Safeco after quite a bit of shopping for Seattle Seahawks gear and a little of Mariner's.  David was giddy with all the new stuff!!!

The crew ready for the game!!  We were very lucky where we were sitting because it was in the shade for most of the game which was nice because it was hot that day.

A view of the field from out seats, we had some wonderful seats!!

My boys - they are all so handsome!!!!

Michael and myself having a little fun with the camera!!!

So somebody tall sat in front of us and Michael couldn't see so he went back two rows to be able to see.  I LOVE this pose of him - it is soooooo Michael, Mr. cool man!!

The picture says it all.

One thing that the Mariner's are famous for is their field crew always does a dance during the game!!  They are pretty good too!

So Michael was getting a little antsy during the game, so we decided to take a walk around the ball field.  We came upon a statue of Dave Neihaus so I had Michael sit down for a cool picture!

Then he pitched a few balls into the glove, well not quit the glove but pretty close.

Next we were able to wait a few minutes and get into the play area they have there for kids.  It was great and Michael just made it in, you had to be 48 inches or below.

Working on some math while playing.

Next we headed to wait in line to meet the Mariner Moose.  The only problem he was really, really late.  So by the time we got back to the seats it was already close to the end of the 8th inning.  Everybody else was wondering where we were.  But we had a good time!!

David in his rally hat, but unfortunately the Mariner's didn't win.

Another cool thing about this game was it was the first game that they allowed the kids to run the bases.  So we went and got in line sporting some great cougar hats!!!!

Heading out into the field, I am not sure who was more excited, the boys or David.  :-)

The boys working on catching a long ball - well AJ at least, Michael wouldn't jump.  AJ was able to get some air though!!!

David out by the right field line.

The boys down on the field!

Here the boys were starting on first base heading around.

The moose was giving high fives after the rounded second - AJ's turn.

Michael was up next!

Heading to home plate, there were stopped by smaller people so they couldn't run through, but they had a great time running the bases!!!  David was a little jealous!

The dugout after a game - boy it is a mess.

After the game, the four of us in front of the gate!  It was a great time!!!!

We even had some entertainment as we were leaving.  They were actually good.  There was also a Sounder game starting so their were tons more people around and the main team store was open, so of course we had to stop in and see if there was anything interesting in there.

We headed home after that and Chad was there and we had a wonderful dinner!!!  We were celebrating David's birthday early with some yummy steaks and shrimp!

And of course we bought his favorite, ice cream cake.

Enjoying our dessert!!!

Michael was laughing so hard because he kept coming over and stealing my blue icing and thought he was so slick.  He cracks me up!!!  I love when our nights end in so much laughter!!!

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