Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Birthday Party!!!

So the boys made a decision that they wanted to wait for their birthday party until their Grandparents arrived so it was November 2nd.  I rented out the basketball court at the youth center (found out the hard way it was called the youth center and not community center when a few guests went to the other one).  I had such wonderful help for the party or it would have never been pulled off. 

If you weren't sure the theme the boys wanted Lego Chima.  The problem was that there was hardly anything Lego Chima so we had to make everything.  I did find these shirts online and ordered them in.  The boys were pretty excited!

So on Friday, Porchea, my mom and myself made this cake.  It was my first one and thanks to help it turned out pretty good.  The boys liked it and that was what counted!

Then we had a wonderful friend, Victor, who made this piñata for us!  I sent him a picture and he said he could make it!!!  It turned out so awesome!!!!!

My mom helping to decorate the room and the gym!!  I am so glad they were here to help out!!!

We had basketballs and the big boys also got in on the fun!!!

And I also thought a bouncy castle would be good to get some energy!!!  I do have to say it was really nice not to have it at our house and the kids had so much room to run and play!!!  They were busy the whole two hours!

Here they were trying to figure out how to hang it, the way they had it, it hung parallel to the floor.

With some last minute fixing by Victor it was ready to go

All the kids lined up and ready to hit the piñata.

Michael taking a swing at it - you can see his age and name on the back of his shirt.  :-)

AJ taking a turn!!!  So Vic made the piñata so well, that each kid had two separate turns to try and break the piñata.

Victor being a Lego Chima!!!!

So finally we decided to have one of the parents take a go at it and it finally broke!!!  Though it did take him two hits as well.
Kids going for the candy!!!

Getting ready for the cake!!!   They were excited!!

All the kids eating cake.  I had some wonderful parents who helped me the whole time!!  It really made the whole afternoon so easy.

The adults enjoying some cake also!!  Good thing because I didn't want to take it home.  :-)

Back out in the gym!!!  It was a rainy day and this was a nice change from the normal venues that indoor birthday parties are held in.

AJ running in!!!  They both said they had a great time!!!  Michael was a little tired and not quite up to par, but still had a good time.

We waited until we went home to open presents.  The boys received many wonderful gifts!!  Lots of Legos which they LOVE!!!  It was a great day!!  We also were invited over to a friend's house for dinner and game night!!!  My parents decided to head home before games because they needed a little bit of rest before they left for Ireland the next day.  :-)  Michael headed home with them also, which was a good thing since he wasn't feeling well.  It was a good way to end the day!!!!

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