Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day with the kids

So on Saturday February 7th, we decided to each take a son and spend some quality time with them.  Whatever they wanted to do.  They were able to plan the whole morning.  So David took AJ and he wanted to go to a movie, so off they went.  Michael wanted to play board games.  So we played for awhile.  Then he decided to play hide and seek in the backyard with bubble blowing after that.  Michael decided he wanted to head to the "Duck Park."  So off we went.

Michael attracted a lot of ducks.  I don't think they are fed as much during the winter.  Michael actually was a little nervous because they were coming right up to him and were getting aggressive.

There were some beautiful swans out there as well.  We steered clear of them, they are meaner than the ducks.  Did I mention that it is snowing out here and it was COLD!!!!  

One of our favorite toys at the park.  Do you notice that NO ONE else was there.  I think we saw maybe 6 other people and they were all walking dogs.  We were the only crazy ones out there playing.

Hamster wheel - Michael made me get on it and try it.  I love the dirt that goes over you and onto your head.

Michael grooving to his own music!!  I love it!!!  After the duck park we headed to get some lunch.  Michael wanted to play some cards while we were there - it was Trash this time.  Great game!!!  Then David and AJ met up with us and the boys headed over to karate practice for three hours.  They are getting ready for the tournament at the end of February.  After all the exercise that they did they still wanted to go to the gym with Daddy and work out.

So David took them to the gym and took them through a crossfit kids WOD (workout of the day).  Here they are doing box jumps.

Here they are working on their sit-ups and burpees.   They did this rotation for eight minutes "straight" as AJ puts it!!  They had heard their dad talk about it for so long they wanted to try.  They did a great job too!!!  You would think after all the activity they would be tired out, but not our kids.

Mom didn't want to cook that night, so out to dinner we went.  The boys weren't upset at all about this.  :-)  And of course a family game of Swap!

My precious boys!!!  They really love each other and take care of each other.  There are times they get on each other's nerves, but all in all they are wonderful brothers!!!  I am so proud to call them my sons!!  It was a great day and the boys said they would love to do it again!

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