Monday, February 23, 2015

Switzerland - day 2 - skiing/snowboarding

On Saturday morning we were up early, earlier than we wanted to be because the kids were soooooo loud.  They sounded like a herd of elephants upstairs.  But with them getting us up early we were well on our way for the kids ski lessons.   They didn't have group lessons on Saturday so they had private lessons.

Since AJ and Ian were snowboarding they had one instructor.  His name was David - easy name to remember.  The boys said he was a great instructor!  Michael and Ari are both skiers so they had another instructor, Nina.  They took off so fast I wasn't able to get a picture at the beginning.

While the kids had their two hour lesson, the parents decided to head over to the other mountain across the road and take a few runs ourselves.  Here we are heading up the Gondola to the top of this mountain.

One thing about snowboarders, we always have to wait at the top of the mountain for them to get ready to go down.  :-)  David getting ready to hit the hill!!

Down goes Sarah and David.  This was our first run of the day and the powder was amazing!!!  What was even more amazing is that there were hardly any people on the hill.  We basically had the hill to ourselves.

See what I mean?!?  There is hardly anybody on the hill!!  It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

We made it down our first run with no problems!!  You can see the sun was coming out and the blue sky!!!  It was turning into an even more gorgeous day!!!!

David heading up the chair lift - look at the beautiful mountains behind him.  It was such a fantastic view!!!

Look at AJ go!!!  This was only after a few hours on the snowboard.  He was getting the hang of it really quick!!!

Here comes Michael and Ari down the hill with their instructor!!  Michael has his hands in the air!!  This was my kid that really didn't like skiing at all, didn't want to do it and now he loves it and is off and skiing!!!!!!

It was getting so warm on the hill that I seriously thought about skiing in my short sleeve shirt.  Then I figured I should be a good example and put my coat on.  :-)  We all took off at least one layer before lunch.

AJ heading up the drag lift - he was doing great!!!

AJ and Ian heading down the mountain with their instructor.  Both of them were doing a great job!!

After lessons were over we were all extremely hungry, so we headed for a restaurant to have some lunch.  It was so beautiful that we decided to eat outside!

AJ is king of the mountain!!!!!

The men heading back to do some more skiing and snowboarding!

Michael is heading up the lift  He has no fear anymore on this run!  He told me all the way to the top with no hesitation and we didn't stop.

Michael with a big old grin - loving the weather and the skiing!!!

My boys on the hill and loving it!!!  It is such a wonderful thing that everybody is enjoying it!!!

David is really getting good on the snowboard and is very excited about it!!!!

AJ looking more and more comfortable on the snowboard!!  He made it to the top of the lift and down with no problem!!!

Ari and Michael - skiing buddies!!

After a long and hard day of skiing, David and Michael relaxing waiting for AJ to get off of the hill.  Everybody had a great day and we headed back to the "chalet" for some yummy dinner and more card playing!!!  I still can't believe that we are skiing in Switzerland!!  Who would have thought all those years ago when my parents had me in ski lessons that it would bring me here.  It was so awesome!!!!

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