Sunday, March 6, 2016


On Saturday we woke up early and were getting ready for a day of skiing.  The weather didn't look the best, but we weren't going to let that stop us.

This was our view from the apartment in the morning.  I saw blue skies, so off we went.

We decided to have the boys do lessons that morning just as a refresher course since it had been a year.  David decided to join AJ for the first little bit of the lesson.  They are heading over to get started with their instructor.

Michael was already up and skiing with his instructor!

My snowboarding man getting ready for his first run of the season!

AJ getting ready - look at that concentration!!!

And they both are up!!!  YEAH!!!!

Michael heading up the ski lift!!!

Proof I was there as well!!  While my three boys were in lessons, I decided to take a few runs by myself.  It was a beautiful morning to go skiing!!!

I do have to say that it is not as good as weather as last year, but it wasn't raining (yet) so that was good.

AJ and David heading down the mountain with their instructor.

Another view from halfway up the mountain.  God paints such a pretty picture!

David decided after a little bit of lessons, he wanted to hit the slopes with  me!!!  I was very excited!!!

He was getting really good and fast going down the mountain!!  I had a much harder time trying to take pictures and keep up with him!

We decided to try a different run while the boys were still at lessons.  This one was a gondola ride up.  It ended up being a pretty good one, we just weren't sure how long it would take so we only went half way up.

Michael working on that snowplow and turns going down the mountain!

I was getting so excited when I saw the blue sky!!!

We were heading over to have some lunch and big snow piles just drag the kids in!!!!

Michael decided to take a little break!!  :-)

AJ thought that was a great idea as well!!!

So I was bad and totally forgot to turn on the crockpot, I made it, just didn't turn it on.  So David was so nice and said he would drive back and turn it on while the three of us hit the slopes again!  We decided to head to a different mountain and try our skills there.

AJ at the top of the mountain, he looks good and ready to go!!!

The boys decided they needed a little play break in the snow, so of course we had one!!!!

This is Michael - he was trying to dig a cave in the snow and I thought I was going to loose him!!  :-)  After that David met us at the bottom of the hill.  AJ wanted to do one more run so he and I headed back up the mountain.  It was a mistake because it started to rain and rain hard, also when we reached the top there wasn't much visibility.  We were both soaked through to the skin and quite cold.  Thankfully when we started heading down the hill it wasn't as bad and we made it to the bottom.

Back at the apartment we had a great dinner, thanks to David, and then our nightly game!!  It was a great first day and we were all pretty tired, so we hit the bed pretty early that way we can be rested for another day of skiing.

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