Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Cub Scout Day Camp - Day 3

On Saturday, August 13th, we headed back early in the morning to start our third and final day of cub scout day camp.  The other days we started at 2 pm to 8 pm, Saturday we started at 9 am sharp.

AJ started out the day with fingerprinting.  He thought it was really cool to check out his fingerprints and the different types he had in them.

I was able to sneak away and catch Michael making his marble maze.  He already had a great start on hammering in those nails!!!

AJ's crew was looking at how they make fingerprints come out and stay for shipping to the processing place in the states.  They have to make sure the fingerprints stay for the journey over.

Next we headed over to check out chemical reactions.  They put vinegar and baking soda into to plastic bags and then shook them to mix the chemicals.  Then changing the amount of vinegar to see if it blows up quicker or slower.

This was great team building!!  They had strings attached to rubber bands and each team member had to pull to open it up and then close and move it to make a pyramid.  AJ's team did awesome and built the whole tower!!!!

We passed by Michael again and he is all smiles and having a wonderful time!!!!

AJ made his own straw rocket to see how far he could get it to go.  He did a good job and got it to go pretty far!!!

 Then one of the dad's blew up a bottle rocket and he was able to get it to go really far!!!  The scouts that it was sooooo cool!!!!

For their lunch break - they had a police officer come in and talk about finger printing and what they do at crime scenes.

After lunch it was hike time!!!

It wasn't too far of a hike and it was wonderful weather for it!!  The scouts learned a lot and had a great time!!  They did a wonderful job putting on the camp and it was a great success!!  The boys loved it!!!

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