Sunday, November 6, 2016

Homburg Ropes Course

So at the end of the summer, I thought it would be fun to head to a ropes course with the boys before we start school up again.  So on August 23rd, the boys and I headed up there.

The boys all geared up ready to do some climbing!!!

My boys and I ready for some fun!!!!

AJ working on his balancing skills across the small planks.

Michael following AJ and doing a great job!!!

There was a beautiful view of the lake there.  There was a zip line that went over the lake, but unfortunately Michael was a little too short to go on that one.

AJ in the shadows.

This was the part I really didn't like - it really hurt my knees.  But the boys didn't seem to have any problems at all.

AJ all smiles and loving being up in the trees!!  As you can see everybody's summer was about to come to an end, so there were a lot of people there and it sometimes took a bit of time to get through the course because we were waiting for people ahead of us.

AJ going down one of the zip lines.  I think this is the boys favorite parts.

The three of us chillin' in the trees, waiting for our turn to go through the next obstacle.

This is right up Michael's alley!!  He LOVES to climb and be a monkey!!!

See what I mean - all smiles.  I still don't know how he is smiling crawling around in those things.

AJ playing around while we waited our turn.  He put a lot of trust in his harness.

AJ just chillin'.  Like I said, there were a lot of people there and we did a bit of waiting, but it was still fun!

Michael pulling himself along to get to the other side.  It was such a beautiful and fun day!!!  We had a lot of fun and it was back to work for me the next morning.

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