Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Birthday AJ and Happy Halloween

Happy 7th Birthday AJ!!!  He had a really busy day and so did we all!!!  It started out with Michael's school having their fall festival.  The teachers did such a great job on putting it on!!  They started out with a little parade singing a pumpkin song and showing off their costumes.  Then they had all sorts of events, cookie decorating, face painting, bowling, ring toss, bean bag toss, cupcake walk, ping pong ball toss, and a rocket launch.  The kids were having a great time!!  They also had a pie eating contest for the adults.  Michael informed me that he signed me up, but I left it up to the dads to do that!  They did great!  Then Michael and I ran (actually drove fast on the autobahn) to AJ's school for his celebration.  I brought cupcakes and apple crisp.  Quick funny story about the apple crisp.  The oven and I fought.  It is only supposed to take 35 minutes to bake and I started a little late Tuesday night and put it in the oven and 11:30.  Well we fought until around 1 am and it still wasn't completely done, but at that point I didn't care.  I really need to figure out my oven and what all the words on there mean.  I wish there were pictures.  LOL  So we sang and had dessert.  Then Michael was able to stay with AJ and do PE with him.  Michael thought that was GREAT and so did AJ!!!  All the kids really like Michael in his class.  Then after that was another party with Ms. Mendoza's class where Michael went right along and had pizza with them.  AJ's teacher didn't even realize Michael was there because he fit right in.  He was really good!  Then off to an appointment for Michael and then racing back to pick up AJ from the bus.  We then did homework real quick, food and then off to post to do trick or treating.  I will have to say I was a little disappointed with how many houses didn't do trick or treating.  We had to walk a LOT for not a lot of candy.  Michael was done not too far into it.  We didn't stay out too long.  Luckily we got a lot of candy the night before so we are stocked.  But they did have fun, they were able to play with some of their friends before we left for trick or treating.  All in all AJ had a great day!  He didn't even ask for his presents and has yet to ask.  We are going to have a birthday dinner on Sunday for him and do presents then.  But I am impressed that he hasn't asked or maybe it is that he just hasn't remembered.  :-)  Today we had a great day with some friends.  She was born and raised here in Germany and so she took me around to some of the good stores that the locals like and are a lot cheaper, which is always good.  Then she bought some German Danishes for us to try.  It is really nice to have somebody to translate and understand the language!  She is really fun and our kids get a long really well.  All good stuff!!!

The class singing happy birthday to AJ

The party in Ms. Mendoza's class

Fun on the trampoline!
before party of trick or treating

My two boys!!!

trick or treating time!

Michael getting ready for his fall festival party

His ninja pose

Buddies in class

see Michael's red legs on the left :-)

The parade

His cookie and ninja pose

He made it in the ping pong toss

Rocket launcher

getting his face painted

bowling, but we used a soccer ball

The pumpkin he painted

One cul-de-sac set up a table with all the people giving out candy, great idea!
Aren't they cute?

AJ and Michael eating their cupcakes and apple crisp

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