Thursday, April 17, 2014

Police station field trip

On Wednesday April 16, both boys were able to go on a field trip to the police station.  One of the dad's, Hector, in Michael's class is an SP and he helped us set it up.  It was soooo much fun!!!

We had sixteen 2nd graders and sixteen 1st graders, so we paired each of them up with a buddy.  AJ with his buddy Christopher.

Michael was paired up with a girl, so he walked a little farther away from her.  :-)

Michael in the back of the police car, he looks way too comfortable there.  I hope this is the only time he will be in the backseat.

AJ being shown how to use the radar gun.

Much better, Michael in the driver seat!

AJ decided to try the backseat also, not a good place.  :-)

Laughing and giggling in the front seat of the car.  The one problem is this car wasn't completely ready so the lights and sirens didn't work, a little disappointment to the kids.

Michael checking out the radar.

Next station was the K-9 dog handler.  The dogs go through 2 years of training before they even start training with the MPs down in Texas.  There are three different types; drug, bomb and patrol dogs.

She has been with this dog, Rose, for 2 years and Rose is 8 years old.  They usually keep them until about 8 years old unless they are still doing great.  They think Rose will be good until 10-12 years of age.

The dog is quick and jumps and gets her.  She listens and obeys commands quickly.

Here she is "walking" the bad guy back to the patrol car.  If the bad guy runs, the dog will attack again.  Also if the police officer is searching a suspect and the suspect makes a move towards the police officer the dog attacks without any commands.

Next on to beating up a police officer.  AJ is checking out the one they use for training only.

Then they passed around the ones the police officers carry.  It was much heavier and Michael had to prove he could to a bicep curl with it.

AJ heading in for the fight.

Hector got him in a bear hug!!  AJ was trying to fight his way out.

And victory!!!

Michael is more than ready to take him on.  Look at that face!

He gets way too much excitement in beating him up!  :-)

But Mr. Hector took him down with him!

1.....2......3 - OUT

And of course I got a turn!!  It was great!!  I was with his wife and we had fun swinging those clubs at him!

Our group with them!  Everybody had such a wonderful time, including the adults.  It was a great field trip!!!

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