Monday, July 20, 2015

Miseau Pool

So when we arrived back in Germany it was really, really hot.  The temperature was in the upper 90s and holding strong.  So the boys and I decided we needed to cool off a bit.  So we headed to our favorite outdoor  pool on Wednesday July 1.

Michael jumping off the diving board.  I think the boys spent most of their day here at the diving boards!  They were loving them!!!

 AJ's turn with his pencil jump!!

Then AJ went off the middle diving board, but Michael wasn't so sure about it so he stayed on the lower one.

This is their other favorite place the whirlpool.  They were giggling and laughing.  And I  got in trouble from the lifeguard because I was told I couldn't take pictures anymore at this pool.  This  was news to me, last year it was totally fine.

Off to the red slide!!  So I want to point out how empty it is.  We basically had the run of the place for about three hours.  Then once the German schools let out, it became almost wall to wall people everywhere.  It was crazy!

Michael finally got the courage up to go off the middle diving board and then there was no stopping him, he went again and again and again!

 AJ was having a ball!!!

Then they opened the high dive, I wasn't supposed to be taking pictures so I did it from a far, but AJ is up there getting ready to jump.  Michael didn't do it that day, but we came back with David the following Monday and Michael went off it like four times!!  He just walked right off it like it was nothing.  The boys were thoroughly water logged and had tons of sun and the people were getting rude, so I called it a day after five hours of swimming and we headed home.

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