Sunday, November 8, 2015


We arrived back to Kaiserslautern on Monday.  Al and family took a couple of day trips while David and I had to work and the boys had to go to school.  On Thursday night after work and school we headed to the airport to spend the night since we had to catch such an early flight the next morning.

After an uneventful flight, we landed in Spain and are waiting for our luggage.  We are quite a crew!!!

Julie and I relaxing waiting for the luggage.

We finally found all of our luggage and headed down to get our rental cars.  We needed two since there were ten of us!!

We made it to the cars and AJ was having some fun taking pictures while we are heading to our house.

We MADE IT!!  And check out our view from the balcony!!  It is absolutely gorgeous!!  To think it is almost freezing weather back in Germany

This is looking back at our house from the pool.  We decided to rent a whole house since there were so many of us and have a home base.  Of course a pool was needed for the kids to let off some energy!!!

Before we even had everything unpacked, the kids were in the pool!!  I LOVE IT!!!

Grandpa even put his legs in the water and chatted with Michael!

The kids found two frogs in the pool!!  They were sooooo excited about them!!!!

This is one of the things that drew me to this house, I LOVE the long table so we all could sit and eat together!!  Just relaxing after a long day of travel!

The view from the upstairs window, it truly was breathtaking and magnificent!!

I think the kids were in the pool for hours the first day!!!!!

The view was so beautiful I had to take some pictures, you can see the Mediterranean Sea off in the distance!!!

Panning a little to the left.

Dad, Mom and Al enjoying the sun and relaxing!!!

The flowers were still blooming there - look at that color!!!

One of my favorite times of the day - dinner together as a whole family!!!

The sunset over the water and pool!

The kids decided to do some exploring and they found a mango tree!

AJ trying the mango.  They were really good!!!  How cool is that to be able to pick and eat a mango right away!

Michael and David hanging out after dinner.  That is David's annoyed face that I bought all the kids whistle suckers and Michael blowing it right next to him.  I thought it was hilarious!!!!

Game night - probably one of my other favorite parts of the day!! ! I love hanging out, playing games, talking and enjoying each other!!!  We had a wonderful first day in Spain!!!!

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