Monday, February 24, 2014

MIchael's Karate Tournament

On Saturday February 22, Michael participated in his first every Karate tournament.  He was so excited and wasn't even nervous at all!  I think I was more nervous than he was.  ;-)  This one was only for 4-6 year olds, AJ's tournament is next weekend.  They split them up because it is pretty big.

All the kids had a chance to warm up and practice their Kata.  He was very serious about making sure he did it all right.

This was the whole group from their style, Karate Tech.  There were at least two other groups that were there.

Like all military functions it starts with the color guard and national anthem.  The lady behind them sang the German national anthem and the US national anthem.  At all events here in Germany they always carry both flags and do both anthems.  Even at the close of business at 5 pm when they play it they play both, which can get really long because the German one is quite long.  :-)

Then it was form time.  The first event they did their form in front of three judges.  Michael did a great job!!  There were over twenty in his group and only the top three received trophies.  I was so proud of him!!!

Next up was the sparring.  Michael was really excited about this, as you can see he was in line and already jabbing!

They had to wear mouth guards and this was the first time Michael ever had one in and he was being funny with it!!  He couldn't stop playing with it.

Down to business, Michael is in the red dots on the left, ready to spar.

Here Michael is landing his kick on the other player.  He fought so well!!  He won his first two rounds and then was fighting for first and second place.  He went against an orange belt which is one up from his yellow belt.  It was also their best orange belt from a different dojo.  He did awesome!!  It was tied at 2-2 and then the other guy landed the final punch.

Michael took second in sparring at his first tournament!!  So proud and so excited for him!!!!  Even cooler is that this is his sensei handing him his trophy.

Proud standing with his trophy!!!

So excited!!!  It was a great day!!!  We were there from 9:45 am 'til 2 pm so we were all extremely hungry and wanted to celebrate so off to the BX for some victory lunch!

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