Monday, November 10, 2014

Michael's Birthday!!!!

So Sunday, October 12th, was Michael's birthday.  We wanted to do something fun for his birthday.  About an hour and a half away was a great ropes course, zip line, rock climbing place which is right up Michael's alley.  I wanted to make sure Michael was big enough before we started to drive, so the gentleman at the front desk called them.  Well they just finished up a huge competition on Saturday and they decided not to open up on Sunday.  I couldn't believe it!!  He was trying to help and find something fun for him to do on his birthday.  We tried go karts, but then you had to be 9 to drive them.  He then suggested a donkey ride for Michael, he said he was too small to ride the horse, and a horse for AJ.  I talked to Michael and he said he was good with that.  I am so glad Michael just rolls with the punches.  He didn't even blink an eye.  We had a little bit of time before we were set to ride so I asked Michael what he wanted to do.

 So we decided to let Michael open his presents while we were waiting.  :-)  Aren't we such nice parents!!  LOL

Michael was very excited with his presents from his Grandma and Grandpa!!!

And his video game he has been wanting for a longtime!!!

After that he wanted to play some games, so Cars Monopoly was the first one we played and then a card game called Swap after that.

Then Michael decided it was wrestle time with Daddy!!!  I am not sure how Daddy felt about it, but he was a good sport!!!

Michael decided it was time to put together one of his hero factory Lego Chima guys.

A picture of our hotel from the front, it used to be an old run down barn but the owners spent about two years rebuilding it.  The husband couldn't believe the wife liked it when they first saw it, but he said okay to her.  This is what they wanted to do after they retired.

It was finally time to go for our rides, the boys ready with their helmets on!

To start with, they let them get on with the steps to make it easier, later on they had to get on by themselves.

AJ's turn to get on his horse.

So the boys could get used to the animals, they walked around in the corral for a little bit.

And then we were off, Prince the horse wanted to come along also, but alas he had to stay in his corral.

The boys heading into the woods.  The mom didn't speak any English so the son came along to help translate for us.

We headed back into the woods, it was so beautiful!!!

David and I walked behind the horse and donkey, way behind.  :-)

We headed back to the corral and they took off at a trot, David and I decided to just walk and meet them there.

When we got back to the corral they were teaching the boys exercises to do while riding.  Here they had to touch the tail with both hands, just in case there were flys or other bugs biting their animals.

Then they had to go and turn around in the saddle while the horse and donkey were walking.  They did a great job!!!

Next they had to clap their heels above their animals heads.  I am not sure what the purpose of this was, but it was fun to watch the boys.

 Michael's turn, I am glad that the animals were very patient.

Then they had to work on standing in the saddle and then jumping off the animals.  Both boys did a great job!!!

I think this was their favorite part of it, they were told to jump off the animals while they were moving.  They both excelled at this one!

AJ's turn to jump off a moving horse!!

Here they both are jumping off the saddle standing up!!  AJ did try to do this while the horse was moving but didn't quite make it, he was close though.  But they did great while the animals were standing still!

Then they said I had to try, so of course I am up for the challenge - up and standing!!

And the jump!!  Yes I did land it just in case any of you were wondering.

Then we headed back into town in search of ice cream, but all the boys said they were hungry for lunch first so we headed for a different restaurant.  David decided to try one of the local beers.

Of course we played our new favorite game Swap before we ate lunch!

Michael doing his karate pose!

Then on to ice cream and my silly boys!!!

They love doing their pouty faces because it always makes me laugh, they also try and use them when they want something.  :-)

This is such a cool building and was a high school at one time!!  How cool would it have been to go to high school in a building like this!!!

 My boys crack me up, they stopped and pointed along our walk and pointed.  :-)

When we got back to the park it was time for some fun - so I chased after AJ and Michael and tickled them!

Michael decided that he wanted a little bit of a rest and so did AJ!

David took this photo of AJ and I just LOVE it!!!!

The boys decided to try and throw acorns into the little hole there.  They did pretty good!

David can always make me laugh!!!

Then we headed back to the hotel for some dinner and card playing.  Michael said he had a wonderful birthday which is what mattered.  We played a few more games after we headed back to our rooms and packed up a little for our long trip home the next day.  We left bright and early the next morning to try and make it home before it was too late because the boys had school the next day and work for us.  It was a great weekend and we had lots of fun!!!

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