Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Climbing Fun!!

You know how much my boys are monkeys, well we wanted to do something the whole family could do and it was raining, so indoors it was.  We took the boys to the climbing wall at the KMCC.  I was certified so I can belay them, which is a good thing because rarely is there an extra person to do it and you only get to climb to the top twice instead of climbing as much as you want all day long!

Michael was up first and that boy has no fear and no hesitation.

Climbs all the way up to the bell with no problem at all!

Next was AJ's turn, he did real well up to about half way and then he wanted to stop.  We told him he could do it, that he could get up there and ring the bell.

After a little pep talk up he went to the bell also.

After that, it was on!  I tied and untied the boys for over an hour and a half.  It was good so I could practice my tying and really get it in my memory.  Though by the end I had three big blisters and a rope burn on one of my knuckles.  But it was all worth it to see the smiles on my boy's faces!!

AJ climbing around while Michael in the background goes up for the bell.  You are allowed to climb up to the white line without a rope.

This was me for over an hour and a half - actually close to two hours.  I didn't realize how tiring it was to belay.

Michael climbing without the rope, messing around while AJ took his turn.

AJ over where there is a soft landing

Totally messing around and having a great time!! 

This gives you a little better perspective on how high the wall is.  There are higher walls and different ones, but the boys wanted to stay at this one the whole time. 

David getting in on the action.  He was our photographer for the day since I was belaying and he hasn't had time to take the class.  It was such a fun afternoon and a workout for us all!!  The boys couldn't get enough.  I finally had to call it because I was getting too tired and my hands were done.  One good thing I found out, they have gloves you can check out so next time I am going to do that and hopefully save my hands a bit.  :-)

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