Wednesday, October 2, 2013


So on Sunday September 15th we headed down to their local rodabon.  When the boys stepped out and saw what it was they were sooooo excited!!!  Though I have to say, this one wasn't as safe as the last one, not that any of them are really safe, but this one had no sides or back to it.  It was you and the sled.
The kids looking down at the track - excitement!

The six ready to go.  AJ really wanted to go with Jan first.

AJ and Jan going down without any brakes

Petra and Lena's turn
David and Mikey trying to catch up.  David doesn't believe in brakes at all and neither does Michael.  They almost lost it on one of the corners.  Petra and Lena are a little more cautious!

All smiles coming down the hill!!!  Michael is just chilling in his dad's lap!  So cute!!!  Then it was my turn to take him down.  You have to be 8 to go by yourself.  Next year AJ can.

AJ and Lena taking a turn, I think AJ liked her better because she went a little slower.  :-)  I do have to say this one was a little more nerve wracking about possibly going off the course and over the side.

Lena and I heading down - lost of concentration there.

Kai got a turn too!!!  He is like David - doesn't believe in brakes.  :-)

Michael and Lena - nothing but smiles this day!!!  They all had sooo much fun!!!  And I mean all!!!

They had a small playground there so off the kids went.  Lena almost fell off on this one.

AJ and Jan were working on their flying!

Those kids are so goofy!!

And there were goats to feed.  The kids do love feeding the goats!

There was a big, mean goat that actually used his horns and butted two small goats out of the way and sent them flying.  All the kids were mad and wouldn't feed that goat again.  It was such a wonderful weekend!!!  Great to see friends and just relax!!!! 

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