Tuesday, October 29, 2013

MOM and DAD ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you can't tell I am very excited that my parents finally made it here!!!!  They had a great start to their trip, their flight from Wenatchee and Seattle was great but then they landed in Amsterdam.  We had a freak storm here in Europe with winds up to 80 mph.  So their flight to Frankfurt was canceled and so was all the other flights for the day, they found out after waiting for 2 hours.  So they were going to take a train to get to Frankfurt.  Good idea, they were supposed to get here at 4:16 pm, but then trees blew onto trains and onto the train tracks.  So then three trains were canceled.  So then they took a taxi to another train station and booked a different train.  Well three of those were canceled but they finally got on the last one that left an hour and a half late.  They finally made it into Frankfurt around 11:45 pm.  They had no cell phone and were borrowing ones to call me and keep me up to date on what was going on.  I finally found them and brought them home!  We arrived back at our house around 1:45 am our time.  So they had been traveling for over 36 hours.  They were pretty tired by this point.  And did I also mention that they didn't have their bags?  But I let them sleep in this morning and then we went to pick up the boys at school.

The boys have Red Ribbon week this week and Monday was wear your jersey to school today.  AJ asked his dad if he could wear one of his.  The boys thought they would see Grandma and Grandpa today, but alas it would be tomorrow. 
I brought them in at the end of AJ's school day and he was surprised to see them!!

Getting a great hug after so long apart!!!

And then outside to meet Michael after his class.  I am still not sure who was more excited, them or the boys.

I put them right to work - they are helping the boys with their homework.  No rest for the weary.  Also have to keep them up to change them to our time zone.  :-)

Then after homework straight to carving pumpkins.  Neither of the boys like to get their hands in the guts, I am not sure why, so Grandma had to do the digging.

AJ drawing on his pumpkin what he wants to carve - he made a Frankenstein one.

Michael was all into it, he created his own pumpkin and was really, really excited about it!!!  All in all we were just excited that they are here and in one piece!!  Also on a good note their baggage arrived this evening!!!!  YEAH!!!  After pumpkin carving the boys wanted to show Grandpa their new video games.
Showing Grandpa the ropes!!!  They also asked Grandma to come up so they could make Wii Mi's for both of them.  :-) 

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