Monday, June 23, 2014

Baseball final games

On Saturday June 7th the boys had their final baseball game.  We had a lot of travel this spring so we missed part of the baseball season but both boys excelled greatly on the field.

Michael ready to play ball.

Michael with his big hits, he really can whack that ball our there!

Michael giving the other team hitter a high five for a good hit - always the good sport.

Then after Michael's game we were off to AJ's!  Here he is playing 1st base and doing a great job!!!

AJ has really improved with his hitting!  This one went all the way to the outfield!

I couldn't stay the whole time because Michael's team had their party at 10:30, so off we went to the bowling alley!  We had a small team and a few left early because of PCS but we still had a great team and had fun this season!

Michael ready to bowl!

The mom that was supposed to make cupcakes ended up not being able to so the night before I threw these cupcakes together for the boys!

Michael with his trophy!

AJ wasn't able to get there in time to bowl with Michael's team, so we stayed and had a little family time at the bowling alley afterwards.  AJ with his turn!

David was being funny and decided to roll the ball down granny style.  :-)

And then he decided to bowl correctly.

Michael's turn, he still doesn't have the arm strength to bowl correctly yet, so he shot-puts it!

My three wonderful boys!!!!

Look at those muscles!!!  So strong!

After that we headed home and it was hot, hot, hot.  So we decided running through the sprinkler was a good idea!!!

AJ decided to get in on the action!

They had so much fun running through the sprinklers!!!  It was a really great day!  We all had so much fun!!!

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