Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sea Day #2

After our wonderful day in Russia, we were back at sea heading back to Kiel Germany.  AJ had been getting into chess a lot.  It is a game he has on his tablet, but he really wanted to play, so we went hunting to see if we could borrower a chess board.

We were successful and the boys started playing.  I helped Michael a little bit and was doing pretty good until....

David showed up and he is really good at chess and the game was on.  Michael and I didn't do as well after that.  ;-)

They had some souvenirs from Russia for sale on the boat so the boys wanted to try on the hats.

The boys enjoying some wrestling time with David.  There was a gentleman sitting next to them and he was all smiles, he had two boys of his own that are now grown with their own children, but it reminded him of when they were little.  The boys sure do love wrestling with David!!!

They had the crew dress up in costume.

Lunch time in our favorite spot!!!  It was a nice and relaxing day with lots of games!

They put on a show just for kids during the middle of the day.

Cruella DeVille made an appearance also!

All the different characters on stage.  The boys had a great time watching!!

AJ was a ninja and Michael was a dragon.  They painted them in the kids club.

They had baked Alaska for dessert, I didn't like it but others said it was pretty good.

The boys teaching the other kids how to play trash.

There was a dance party going on so we decided to join it!!!

The sun going down on our last night on the cruise boat.

The last show that we watched was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one.  We were all pretty excited about it!!!

These three were AMAZING!!!!  The things they could do with their body and the acrobats, unbelievable!

These brothers also had some super strength.  The boys were mesmerized by them.

The turtles in action!!!

The whole crew for the show!

Our ninjas with one of the ninja turtles!!!

The boys liked these guys the best!!!  All in all it was a great and relaxing day, ending with a wonderful show.  We had to head back and finish packing and get ready to get off the boat the next day!!  It was a great cruise and we saw some wonderful ports and sights.  Also a big check off of our bucket list for living in Europe!!!

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