Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas Break Fun!!!!

So this year we decided not to take a big vacation over Christmas break.  So I figured I would let the boys decide what they wanted to do.  So on Sunday December 28th the boys decided they wanted to go roller skating.

All my boys on roller blades!!!  Having a great time!!!  One really nice thing about going during break, there was nobody there.  It was nice to have room to move around and have some fun!!!

Michael and myself - having a great time!!!

AJ's turn!!!  We do love hanging together!!!

And can't forget the hubby!!!  He is so silly, I was trying to take the picture and he totally made a funny face.  He is always making me laugh.  They were done with roller skating about two hours in, which was fine with us.  Michael told us he needed to exercise his hands.  David and I looked at each other and wasn't sure what he was talking about.  He then told us we needed to go bowling.  :-)  So I looked at David and he shrugged.

So off to the bowling alley we went.  Michael is getting really good at rolling the ball down.  No more shot puts!!

David working the lane!!!

My boys!!!  They are so wonderful and the two younger ones LOVE hanging out with their dad!!!!

They think Mom is pretty cool too!!!

I just love Michael's expression - Mom what are you doing?!?!  Then on Monday the boys wanted to go swimming.  So we headed to Ramstein to go swimming to find out the pool was closed.   Never fail, Mom had a backup plan!  We headed to a pool on the economy called Azul.  We had a blast!!!  There was a great water slide, a pool where you could swim outside with the snow on the ground and just fun playing around the three of us!!!

On Tuesday, the boys decided they wanted to go to World of Fun.  They had been here before with friends, but this was my first time.  They told me about this tower, but I wasn't sure exactly what they were talking about until I saw it.  They climb up to the top and then they drop as fast as the can with their bottoms leading.  I am not sure how safe it is especially when there are lots of kids on it, but they were having a great time!!!

This is a HUGE slide with a bump in the middle where you can go flying off - you can see how big it is with the boys at the top!

Then off to another area faster than I can keep up!

AJ is ready to fire on Michael.  The air guns are pretty cool!!!

Michael's turn on the gun - aiming for AJ.

AJ crawling through yet another play area!!!!  Love his smile!!!

AJ egging Michael on to try and hit him with the balls!!

Michael decided to take a page out of AJ's book and he was just laying there waiting for AJ to hit him!!

AJ at the air gun - he was able to get Michael a few times!

This is a skinny bridge that led to the tower where they dropped.

Here you can see them coming through bottom first.  They were having a race to see who could get to the bottom first!!!

There was a big giant bouncy soccer ball.  AJ was trying to get Michael up to one of the holes.  It wasn't working too well.  But they were trying hard!

So Mom came to the rescue and boosted AJ up so he could look out!!

And of course Michael also!!!  Have to do them both!!

They talked me into going up the big slide with them!!!  The things I do for my children!!!

The boys liked stopping at the middle point, it looks like they were talking about some pretty serious stuff!!  Then they would race to the bottom!!!

This is just to give you some perspective on how big it was.  The boys are at the top.

They decided they both wanted to be up there at the same time.  I had a lot of other children asking me if I could do it to them, but had to tell them no since they weren't my children.

The three of us getting ready to head down the slide!!!  We were racing down the slide, but it was a tight fit to get down there.  We had a really great time there, some good food and lots of energy to get out!!!  They actually have mini golf, ice skating and bowling there as well, but we just stayed in the kids area.  I think the boys really enjoyed being able to decide what to do for the three days!!!  Maybe something to think about in the future.  :-)  We shall see!!!

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