Monday, July 28, 2014


On Wednesday we headed to Austin.  Krista was our little planner on this trip, I am just glad it wasn't me this time!

The boys being silly, I don't know if I will ever get one of all of them smiling nicely. ;-)

We were going to go on a train ride, but it was a little bit of time before it left, so we headed to a playground for a little fun!  Though my boys were a little tall, but still had fun!!!

The girls!!!  So much fun with these ladies!!!

We decided it was hot, so some yummy popsicles were on the schedule before we took off on the train.  We are all ready to go!!!

A front view of our little train.

My riding partner!!!!

One of our views along the way!

After the train there was a little area that had information about water, etc.  AJ is checking out the periscope.

Checking out how the water works with erosion.  It was actually interesting and fairly informative.

After that we headed down to another hands on children's museum in Austin.  This one was really cool!!  Here the boys had to try and build "roads" between the islands so they could drive a car on it.

Michael is looking under a microscope at different types of material.

Another cool thing the boys had to build and then a marble goes down and you try and get it in the yellow bucket.  They did really good.

Michael is so sweet - he painted I love mom!!  Love this kid!

They had another cool place where the boys were able to make their own rockets.
Porchea is helping Michael with his rocket.
Here are their finished rockets!
Now is the fun part - shooting the rockets!   AJ's made it all the way to the wall!

Michael's also made it all the way to the wall.  They both had great rockets!!!

Porchea and AJ having fun with some color.

Michael playing with the lights

There was big lite bright that we were able to play with - so David loves Tammy

AJ is so sweet = AJ loves Mom!!!

Michael playing some water drums.

This was really cool, it was a piano with water.  It sounded like a organ.

Then outside for some play time.

They had a cool water place where the kids built a dam.

AJ and Michael on some pigs outside the museum.

I thought this was the coolest building!!

Then after dinner we went to Gourdough's for some HUGE donuts!!!

I knew Michael wouldn't want those fancy donuts so I brought powdered donuts.

I was going back and forth between this chocolaty delight and a strawberry one, the chocolate one won out.  But Porchea bought the strawberry one so I was able to taste it and they were all sooooo good!!!!  It was such a fun day in Austin!!!!  I really enjoy the town.

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