Monday, August 18, 2014

Kalaloch here we come!!!!

Friday, August 1st, was a happy and a sad day.  It was a sad day because it was the last day that we were going to see my dad.  Unfortunately harvest was coming early this year and he wasn't able to go to the ocean with us.  Everybody was sad.

Last hugs with Grandpa - the boys always have such a wonderful time with him!!!!

Ready in front of our home for the next ten days!!!!  The boys started asking if we were there yet after only about 30 minutes.  It is about a 6-6 1/2 hour drive.  I tried to tell them it would be a little while, but they were so excited they just wanted to get there.

We finally arrived around 2:30 pm and started unloading the wood for our campfires.  We made all the kids help, Al and the girls were already there so they helped as well.

After that the boys were already in the woods playing!  I LOVED it!!!!!

We set up Craig's tent first and then next was to set up main camp.   We always have a lot of people come when we camp, this year was no different, there were going to be 31 people camping with our group!

Here it is all set up!!!  It is so nice to have the windbreak and if it rains the canopy over the top!!!  We have mastered this in all the years we have come to the ocean.  My grandma has been going for over 65 years.  I hope this is one tradition we will keep alive.

All the kids were begging me to take them to the beach.  So after we had set up main camp and our trailer I told them we could go down for a little while.

It is so beautiful!!!  I have missed this view over the past four years!!

The kids on the run - heading for one of our favorite spots on the beach!

They were trying to move some of the big logs so they could get more water.  When we were here last, there was a lot more water.  But that didn't matter to the kids, they were just excited to be there!

They decided to make sand castles and I was to be the judge.  I wasn't so sure about judging, but they did make four categories for me.

I am king of the world!!!!  - words from Michael

The boys didn't last as long as the girls building sand castles, Michael was about five minutes, AJ a bit longer.  Here they are looking at the jumping bugs and putting them in a hole.

You can see some of the sand castles, they teamed up towards the end to help each other out.  One thing that I really, really enjoyed about being on the beach that afternoon was the kids played so well together and didn't bother me.  I found a great log that had a good bum print and a place for my head so I laid down, closed my eyes and enjoyed the sun on my face and listening to the ocean waves!!!  I think I was as close to heaven as I could get.

Then we decided it was about time to head up for dinner.  Our first fire of the camping trip!
We decided to do an easy dinner and just roast hot dogs over the fire!  The kids were excited about cooking their own dinner and so was I!

Al found some old wine that my Grandpa had made over 50 years ago, so we decided to break it open and try some.  It was a really good dessert wine!!!

So my cousin Craig is a HUGE Husky fan and we are HUGE Cougar fans.  Well I bought the Cougar ice chest for my dad for his birthday not knowing Craig had one.  So we had warring coolers for the whole vacation.

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