Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time for another post

Well it is about 0100 here and I cannot seem to sleep, up worrying about work honestly.  So far Germany itself is awesome but work has been not as awesome.  It is frustrating watching a bunch of really good people and talent as frustrated as we are.  Not even sure what to do to fix things except work harder, oh well no one ever said it would be easy.  Thankfully Tammy and the boys have been incredibly patient with all of the hours and number of times that I don't get home until half way through dinner or after and just in time for the boys to go to bed.  It is getting better, just more slowly than I would like.  On a better note, I am really enjoying taking AJ to Tiger Scouts and he really seems to like it!  It is funny looking at him compared to other kids in 1st grade and how much he towers over them, that kid is really tall!!!  Michael is his normal jovial self, which is awesome!  It is a little sad to see them out playing more independently yet fantastic at the same time.  I know it is our jobs as parents to prepare them to be productive adults but it is amazing how fast the time goes.  It is starting to get cold here and people at work all seem to expect snow soon.  I guess it wasn't too much snow last year so a few are predicting a lot of snow.  I don't mind snow but I hope we don't get too much.  I would much rather go to the Alps or something and see snow.  It is really cool that it is a possibility to go to the Alps!  Looking forward to upcoming trips and chances to get out of town, Kaiserslautern is great but there is so much here I want to see.  Luckily Tammy wants to see it all even more and she is bound and determined to see all of it as well as get the boys in to whatever activities we can.  I guess we can rest when we die right?  You would think that I would be used to this kind of pace by now, maybe I am getting too old, lol.  So I had a ding dong attack the other day walking down our stairs, trying to make a right off of the stairs too fast and caught my little toe on my right foot on the edge of the stairs and the next day the Dr. said the reason it was purple is because I sprained it.  I guess I knew it was possible but man it is painful!  Well at least it has given Tammy some entertainment lately as she watches me limp around the house feeling a bit like an idiot.  My drive to and from work everyday has been absolutely beautiful, especially as the leaves are changing colors.  While out seeing things around Germany it reminds me so much of Washington, especially driving up Snoqualmie pass from the coast.  I know that Tammy wrote about our last adventure to Stuttgart and it was amazing!  Lego land was really great, some of those displays were really incredible!  The boys had a really great time and it was nice to just have some fun with the family.  Seeing our friends there was also really great!  The next day with seeing the Ludwig palace was also awesome, the architecture is incredible!  Stopping in downtown Stuttgart just wet my appetite to go back too!  It was really cool, we walked through the square that hosted a scene from the Avengers movie when Loki made the people kneel in front of him and then making his first contact with Captain American and Iron Man--so cool!!!  Volksfest was incredible too, I am sure that anyone from OSHA would have had a psychotic episode with that place.  We saw so much stuff that just would not fly in the states.  It was great capping off the weekend taking the boys to pick fruit and hang out with some other parents too.  Finding new friends always seems to be a little tough, especially with the heartache that comes from saying "see you down the road" like we have had to do with so many great people already.  I know that we will always stay in contact with a lot of those friends and we have truly been blessed with amazing friends and family but being so far away is a little tough sometimes.  Well, after the weekend was over I spent the next week traveling too and from Heidelberg for an S-1 class to refresh my skills at that type of work.  It was a good refresher for sure, and very much needed.  It is amazing how fast things change in the personnel field.  The big stuff always stay the same but the execution is always evolving.  As a bonus I had the 2nd highest score on our test at the end of the week and got a coin for it, pretty cool.  Well I hope that this post finds everyone doing well and that you are enjoying the blog.  Hope you are looking forward to reading and see pictures about our next adventure, I know we certainly can't wait to tell you all about it!

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