Monday, March 18, 2013

Pine Wood Derby and Easter Market

On Saturday March 16th AJ had his district pinewood derby.  He was so excited about it and was talking about possibly placing.  We did talk to him that there were a lot more Tigers and they are the best of their groups also and we were proud of him for winning the last time.  The derby was held at the KMCC in the food court area.  It was pretty cool.

AJ waiting with Daddy for the festivities to begin.  Luckily this time we didn't wait all day, we went at 8:30 for weigh in and then went back at 12:30 pm for opening ceremonies.

AJ moved to where the racing scouts were able to sit.  He is anxiously waiting for it to start!

Michael being silly and always stealing his Dad's hat but loves cuddling with him!!

AJ's car is the second from the left of the picture.  He did really well but not well enough to place in the top three.  We think maybe fourth or fifth, but never got the final rankings.  He was really disappointed so ice cream makes everything better.  We stopped for some ice cream before we headed down to Wiesbaden.  It was our friend, Asher's 6th birthday.  

There was an Easter market in Wiesbaden so we decided to stop by there real quick to check it out.  If you look in the background you can see a couple of "gondolas"  They actually could have people in them while they were moving.  They also sang as they were walking through the streets.  It was pretty funny.

To appease the boys while David and I wanted to look through the different booths, we let them take some time to go to the Lego store and upstairs they had a place they could build race cars.  They had a good time!

I couldn't help myself, check out the Mohawk on this one!

They had some "Easter bunnies" handing out candy to the kids.  They were really nice and gave the boys each a piece.  

The boys anxiously awaiting their turn on the carousel.  

They were working really, really hard on spinning it!  They actually got going really fast!

AJ taking a little break to say hi!  The Easter market wasn't all that great here, the Christmas ones were better.  I have heard that there are some pretty good Easter markets around but I just don't have the time this year, maybe next year :-)

This is one of the main buildings in Wiesbaden.  After our short stop at the Easter market we headed to our friends and had a wonderful time celebrating his birthday. His mom made some great Angry bird cupcakes and all the kids had a great time.  We spent the night there so we could spend some quality time with our friends!

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