Friday, March 29, 2013

Rock Climbing and eggs, eggs, eggs

So on Wednesday they had free rock climbing at the KMCC.  This place is HUGE!!!!  It is the first time we have been there.  I was only able to take Michael since AJ was still in school.  They had climbing shoes for Michael and it made a huge difference in his ability to climb and climb quickly.  There was a little bit of a line so they said he could do some bouldering while he was waiting.

Look at him holding on there.  This was before we were able to get the shoes so he was doing it in his socks. 

Here he is in the climbing shoes.  The white line is as high as you can go bouldering, as you can see Michael was doing really well working the wall.

This is his first climb

At the top was a bell that Michael was able to reach!!!  He was very excited!!

This was the second wall that he did.  He was working it really well. 

Here he is at the top of the wall, you can see how high up it is.  The white line is over 5 feet probably close to 6 feet to give you some perspective on how high he went.

Michael at the top!

Still bouldering, he climbed for an hour straight.  He was pretty tired when we were done.

Here we are decorating eggs.  This time though they were hollowed out and then filled up with confetti.

These kids will look for them on Easter and when they find them get to break them over each other's heads.  My boys are very excited about that prospect!!!

AJ doing some work on his eggs

Michael and his eggs.  All the eggs were very colorful and are going to be great fun breaking them over each other's heads.  

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