Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 4 of Jet Lag

Well the last two nights didn't seem to get better with the boys.  They just can't quite make it to bed time when they get up at 3:30 am.  Yesterday they fell asleep around 4pm and we really tried to wake them back up, but to no avail.  Maybe today, I will keep my fingers crossed.  David and I went house hunting yesterday, we saw three different houses and one might be a possibility.  It was really funny, one of the landlords found out that we had children--he told me the house was too dangerous for them.  I guess I really didn't want that one any way.  LOL I had heard that some landlords over here would rather you have pets than children.  But the other landlords were nice and one house was nice and central with a couple of good parks within walking or biking distance.  So we shall see, we were told if we like something we have to jump on it quickly or it will be gone.  David goes back to work today, he will start in processing.  I can say that I really can't wait till we can get a car back.  I need to get a doctor's appointment for Mikey's arm and the taxi will be nice an expensive for that.  It is the little things you don't think about.  Mikey is doing really well though, he is climbing, jumping and playing--making Mommy nervous trying to break the other arm.  But I am glad it isn't slowing him down.  Our good friend Kevin came down on Sunday from Stuttgart and it was great seeing him.  He also took us to the Ramstein BX and oh my gosh!!  It is HUGE!!!  It is bigger than the mall in Sierra Vista and East Wenatchee.  It has four screens at the movie theatre and plays each movie like three times a day.  There are movies playing all week.  It is really cool!!  It is only about 15 minutes away also.  I did notice in the commissary that I can't get everything that I am used to back in the states.  I will have to figure out different options.  They have most everything so far, even Tree Top apple juice!   I am sure we will get into a grove with everything here soon.

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