Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mid -week

We are still trying to finish up getting everything ready for the new house.  Finished one more thing today and Friday we are going to change over electricity and water and the items the military is lending us.  Man it sure does take a lot longer to put things together here.  David is making fun of me because I have been making a few, okay a lot of purchases on Ramstein Bookoo.  It is a great place to get used stuff.  People leaving Germany are selling their 220V items and it will be cheaper to buy them than run transformers for everything.  So I have made a few purchases and probably will have to rent a truck to move everything, only because I wanted a real bed for visitors here and we only brought the bunk bed and a queen bed.  Or so I keep telling myself.  :-)

I went to my first PWOC on Tuesday.  It was really great to meet some new ladies!  It was their kick off so I haven't missed any meetings.  It is a little different than Fort Huachuca, one thing--much smaller and only two bible studies to choose from instead of six and about 24 people here and about 70-80 people back in Arizona.  The ladies seem really nice and inviting so I am excited to get to know them better.  I also found the scout leader for AJ's age group, it is one of the ladies husbands.  So that was great!!  I also met somebody with two boys the same age as mine!!  YEAH!!!  Making some new connections and learning more everyday.  Our next thing is to go and visit churches.  We are hoping to find as good a fit here as we did in Arizona.

Still haven't decided on a cell phone company, so many different things to consider.  You are governed by German laws and their contracts are solid and you can't get out of them for anything.  So we are trying to be really good and do all of our research.

We have the 10th and 11th set up for the delivery of our goods.  The 10th is the big one (wanted to do that one first since we had a choice and that shipment includes our beds) and the 11th is small.  Unfortunately we won't have internet from Monday till Friday.  They couldn't install until the 14th.  Which is better than a lot of what others have had to deal with, some take up to three weeks to get installed, so fingers crossed we have no problems with it and we do get it installed on Friday.

Michael and I went to lunch with AJ today and had a great time!!  I found out he has 15 minutes from the time he enters the cafeteria to the time he has to clean up to get hot lunch, sit down, open items and eat.  This is AJ we are talking about, it is soooo not enough time.  Even with me there getting him to eat, he still can't finish it.  I think that is just not long enough for lunch.  The teacher even let us stay for lunch recess and Michael LOVED that!!  So did AJ he was such a protective big brother, it was cute.   When we walked him back to his class he had to give Michael a hug and tell him he loved him!!  It is moments like those that just melts my heart!!! 

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