Friday, September 14, 2012

We have INTERNET!!!

So this week has been a loooooooooooong week.  We moved into the house on Monday and Tuesday with our stuff and have been trying to unpack and get things organized ever since.  David has been crazy busy at work and I have been running all over the place for the kids.  Also without the internet at my house I had to go over in the evenings to my friend's house to work.  Thank goodness for them!!!  But we have internet now at our house!!!  I am sitting at our dinning table and looking at our stuff!!  It is amazing how much better I feel tonight getting things done.  We had a surprise visit from our good friend Mat Penney.  He was traveling back from deployment and stopped overnight in Ramstein and I happened to be on facebook, so the next day we were able to have lunch with him and had a wonderful visit!!  Michael enjoyed his time too because he played at the BX playground and found a new friend.  I tried to talk to his grandma, but she only spoke Italian and that is not in my vocabulary at all.  I am having a hard enough time learning German fast enough  :-)  Maybe next year.  So Michael started his school and he really didn't like it at all and to be honest I didn't either.  I wanted him to get into a program called Strong Beginnings.  Well they were full and I was told by the teacher that he didn't know anybody leaving until at least December.  So I asked for prayers and low and behold the next day, not joking, I got a phone call and he is in Strong Beginnings starting on Monday!!!  God is sooo good and has answered so many prayers for me this past month.  It has been a month of learning, stretching and trusting in Him.  I think Michael is very excited also about the new class!!  It is still a long drive, but I will make it with a happy heart!  Thank you for all the prayers!!!!  I haven't taken pictures of the house yet, but I will and try and get them up in the next couple of days.  David and I are going to a military ball tomorrow night, should be fun!!  Luckily I found my shoes today and my dress so that is all good stuff!!!  Nothing like jumping in with both feet!!!  The weather is still holding and we have a HUGE dirt pile next door and the boys played for hours in the dirt!!!  They were so happy and so was I!!  They came in with dirt in every crevice!!!!  It was great to cook dinner in my kitchen tonight, I am still getting used to the German appliances.  I have to get a converter for the temp, I totally guessed tonight and thankfully dinner was good and not under cooked or burnt!!!  I also was able to go to the Ramstein Welfar Bazaar on Thursday afternoon all by myself!!!  No kids or husband and was able to walk around and look.  It was amazing how many vendors they had from all over Europe, the came from Italy, Poland, Belgium just to name a few and had everything there.  It was really neat to see and I bought a few things, but really just enjoyed walking around on my time and not in a hurry!!!!  Well it is off to bed with me!  Miss you all!!!

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