Monday, September 10, 2012


It was a really busy weekend!!   Also with opening football season I couldn't get online at all.  It was quite ridiculous, but now we have moved into our house and have no internet, but we have wonderful friends that are letting me use their internet.  We went to grab something at the shoppette and they had face painting so Mikey decided he wanted to be batman.  AJ didn't want to have it done.  We got our keys on Saturday morning and boy were we excited!!  Then we took the boys to a movie on post, it was the one here on Vogelweh and it was nice also.  It only has a few movies, nothing like Ramstein, but a lot closer that is for sure.  On Sunday we rented a truck and did a lot of running around, we bought a bed, freezer, two couches, a new bar and bar stools, air conditioner and a few other odds and ends.  David was right, I was a buying machine, but got a lot of great deals and I think we are pretty well set.  We spent from about 10 am to after 6 pm on Sunday, that included unloading twice and getting stuff from the hotel.  I do have to say I can't believe how much stuff we had in the hotel.  I knew we had a bit of stuff, but man oh man.  There are a few other minor things we might need, but I really need to get unpacked before I will know.  AJ was also invited to his first birthday party and it was at the Ramstein pool and I have to say, it is a really cool pool!!  The boys had a great time!!  Michael even used his arm a lot which was good for me.  They swam for a couple of hours and wanted to stay a lot longer!  Speaking of getting unpacked, WE GOT OUR FIRST SHIPMENT!!!  It was so great to see the truck pull up with our stuff!!  It has been two months since we saw it and man it is nice, a big job to get everything unpacked, but hopefully by this weekend (well if David has anything to do with it, it will be tomorrow) we should have everything unpacked and put away.  We have our second shipment that will be delivered tomorrow and we will have all of our stuff.  Michael also had his first day of school today.  He said it was okay, but he is also coming down with a fever so I think that is more of what it was.  He might stay home with me tomorrow.  We shall see.  So I forgot to post this picture that David and I took.  We took a wrong turn and saw these two stores.  Look at the one on the left (adult store) and on the right (is a kids indoor play area) only in Germany.  LOL  David is back to work full time and feeling it.  It has been awhile since he worked a full day.  It also doesn't help that the Seahawks were on last night and didn't get over till 2 am our time and who had to stay up and watch it - that would be David.  :-)  I can't fault him, but soon we will have the DVR and he can watch it his leisure.  Hopefully Friday we will have internet and TV.  Keep your fingers crossed.  Still waiting on my van, still on the boat.  I can't wait until we have two cars again!!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see that you are getting settled in! I really miss you Watson!!!
    Hope we can chat soon:)
