Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Camping - Day 2

So we continued our camping adventure.  The boys slept well in the fifth wheel and had a good breakfast.  They had been waiting for months to go out on the boat, so Uncle Al said we could take it out after lunch.

The boat hadn't been started for over a year and we were both worried about the engine starting.  but thankfully after a few putters, the engine started up and we were ready to roll!!

I LOVE this view - out on the river, peaceful, beautiful scenery - it was wonderful!!!!

Michael decided the wind was too cold so he was trying to find a place without the wind. 

The boys all smiles being out on the boat!!!

Michael decided to go tubing first.  He didn't want to go over the wake.

All smiles, especially since Uncle Al actually listened and didn't go too fast or put him over the wake.  He didn't want to go for very long, but still enjoyed it!

AJ said he wanted to go a level 3 which is easy off and on the wake.

Then Uncle Al say this - AJ looking like he was sleeping.  Well Uncle Al is not okay with that, so he decided to push it up a level!

This is AJ's worried face with how fast he was going and how high up he flew!  He stopped pretty quick after that.  It was pretty funny.

So I am a mean mom, AJ was sitting on top of the tube and I flipped him over into the water.  This is his face after I dumped him in the cold river.  LOL  I couldn't help myself.

The boys wanted to go swimming, but Michael was hesitant to go in the cold water.

He finally went in and look at that smile!!!!

 The boys after a bit of swimming - they didn't stay in too long since the river is glacier fed and it was a little bit cold.

After swimming, Michael decided one more time on the tube would be great!

AJ also wanted to get back on the tube!!  He stayed on for quite a long time, just enjoying his time on the water!!!

Michael was so tired, that he actually feel asleep in the boat.  He was out!

I haven't skied for over 4 or 5 years, but I wanted to know if I still could.  So Al found me a calmer place in the river and I jumped in.  I decided that it might be a little difficult to get up on one, so I decided to start with two.

 It took me a couple of tries, the fourth time to be exact, and I made it!!!  I was so excited to actually get up again!

Then I dropped the other ski, I almost didn't get my foot into the one ski but...

I MADE IT!!!  I was so excited!!  I really wasn't sure if I would be able to again after all these years, but I did!!!

I even made it on and off the wake!!  It was great to be up again!!!

Michael on the other hand missed my whole time skiing, he was sleeping the whole time.

Al was our official driver  of the day! He did a wonderful job!!!

I LOVE this smile!!!  He was looking forward to this so much!!!

Al actually let AJ drive, I wasn't so sure about that, AJ is a crazy driver!  He could have driven for a long time, except that it was getting close to dinner time.

Grandma came out to have dinner with us - just like the old times.

 We left the boat on a dock, but decided we weren't going to go back out again, so we had to go and get it out of the water.  Michael decided he wanted to drive too.  I think that might have been scarier than AJ.

Like I said scary, he was doing donuts and going over the waves.

This whale Al and I rescued out by one of the islands.  It must have blown away the day before and nobody claimed it.  So we decided to use it later in the afternoon.

 Both boys on the whale - I am surprised it is still floating with both of them on it.

I think Michael was going through a growth spurt because he was like this for quite awhile out in the water.  He seems to get extra tired when he grows.

AJ and I down by the water!!! 

Michael woke up a little and decided to play at the park for a little while, my little monkey!

We came back up to the camping spot and found them playing spinner dominoes.  So we decided we wanted to play a game as well!!!  The boys, my mom and I started playing Phase 10 with a twist.

Dinner time!!!!

Michael and his powdered donuts - they are usually all over his face when he is done.  :-)

My Grandma - I still can't believe how wonderful she looks at 100.  She is still going strong!

If you look closely - you can see in the side of the mountain what looks like the Profile of Abe Lincoln.  This is why they call the park Lincoln Rock.

The boys talked Great-Grandma into playing a game of king's in the corner with them before she left.

Al being a gentleman helping Grandma to the car.  It was great to have some one on one time with Grandma and the family.  It was much quieter than the weekend.

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