Monday, August 31, 2015


So I was trying to keep the boys busy and out of the house.  So Maria and I decided to go to a wildpark in Kaiserslautern with the kids, something different a little fun!

One good thing about this park is you could feed the animals.  The boys are carrying their snacks for the animals.

Julie and Michael found more bugs to hold.  Thankfully this one didn't stay with them as long.

It was really interesting, as soon as the animals heard the bags they came running, not walking.

Michael feeding the deer!!!  He was a little afraid of them biting his fingers.

This big one came charging!!!  AJ was feeding him and then he wanted to feed the other deer, but this guy always chased them off.

AJ finally stayed back a little from us and was able to feed the smaller deer.

While we were there, it ended up being feeding time.  The deer knew it and went off running for the truck, they surrounded it.  The big guy was scaring off the smaller ones again, bully.

Cute little baby warthog!

We found the smaller, nicer deer a little ways down the road.  The boys like feeding these better!

Aren't they cute?!?  The deer too!!!

They were like the bigger deer, when they heard food, they came running!!!

AJ decided to take a peak at the bulls!!!

Maria enjoyed feeding the bulls as well!!!!

There were many different sizes and colors.

The boys found some great trees to do some climbing on!

I just LOVE his smile!!!!

Julie and Michael found some more bugs to play with!

They even had buffalo there, though we couldn't feed them.

This was really fun, the lynx was playing with the kids.  When Michael started running along the fence, the lynx ran too!!  Then all the kids got into it and the lynx joined them for quite a few laps up and down the fence.

And what do the boys always find in the woods?!?  Yep, sticks and some sword fighting went along with our day!

I really liked the looks of the tunnel!!

At the end of the hike we found this little water thing - not sure what it is for and we wouldn't let the kids drink anything from it.  We had a wonderful time and it was free to go there which is even better!!  The weather was great and so was the company!!!!

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