Monday, August 10, 2015

Saarbrucken Zoo

We had another day at the lake because it was so hot.  On Thursday we decided to change it up a bit and headed to the zoo with our friends.

Michael decided to go up the hard way or should I say the monkey way!

The leopard didn't want to be seen, we really, really had to look for it.

This one thought it was hot and wanted to just lay around.

I do love penguins!!!  I wasn't sure if these two were alive for the longest time because they didn't move at all or even breath.

Look at those eyes - they look a little creepy to me.

The kids checking out all the different kinds of monkeys at the zoo.

This guy was hilarious and just hanging out, staring at the people walking by.  I almost thought we were in the zoo instead of him.

Michael and AJ were snacking on apples and the monkeys came to the fence and followed them where ever they went.  It was too funny.  I think they thought it was going to be a treat for them!

We always have to have our snake picture for Grandpa!!!

The boys thought Grandpa might need a closer picture.

I have never seen a leaf bug before.  I think they are awesome!

There are two more in this picture - that is some good camouflage!

Michael thought he could stare down this alligator, but I think the alligator might win.

This is the seal enclosure - as you can see the water was really dirty and it was very difficult to see them and the sun was also glancing off of the glass.

What animal do you think they are being like?!?

Yep, this is what they are being like.  This guy actually moved so fast.  It was fun watching him go from one side to the other.

My boys decided they wanted to do a little flying while at the playground!!

They had a goat petting zoo, I think the boys were in heaven.

Michael found one and bonded with it!!  He sat there for quite awhile enjoying!

So somebody else let out some of the goats and the Maria and the kids were trying to get them all back in.  They were able to get all but one.  It was crazy!

This peacock really wanted to share our lunch, he kept coming closer and closer.

He sure was beautiful though!!!

AJ and Julie swinging at the park.

I think Julie and AJ might have been trying to throw Michael off.  LOL

We went into a dark room and saw the armadillos.

Check out that big mouth!!!  It was a huge yawn!

Maria was playing with the big monkeys!

We called this one Big Daddy!!  He was HUGE!!!!  And it looked like all the other apes were afraid of him.

Michael talking to one of them!!  This one was cool - if you put your finger to your head, he would copy.  It was fun!!!  We headed out and then we heard a loud noise and headed back in.  The gorillas were fighting and two of them ran at the window and hit it with all four of its extremities.  It was great to watch!

This zoo had so many parks and great animals, it was a lot of fun!

I had never seen a baby joey live before, it was so cool!!!

There were about six of these little guys just chilling.

Across the big bridge - they tried to make it move side to side.

This was another animal we had to look at really hard to see if it was breathing and alive. Check the angle of his neck.  That can't be comfortable.  LOL

We all had a great day at the zoo!!  It is one of the better ones that we have been too and we didn't have time to see it all.  Thankfully it was a little cooler this day then the last few so it made the day even better!!!!

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