Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Camping - Day 3

Al had to leave early in the morning, so he took the car up to the airport and left it parked there.  It was sad to see him go, but we had a wonderful time with him!!!

We had to deflate Al's bed, so Mom was helping it along to get the air out.  It is a really nifty bed that just goes over the chairs.  We had to wait till Dad got there so we could go and get Mom's car.  We decided to take the boys on a bike ride while Mom and I walked around the campground.

After that AJ wanted to go out on the boat again.  Dad and I went and got Mom's car and headed back so we could take the boat out.  This was Dad's first time out this year!!!  Michael didn't want to come out on the boat, so Mom was great and stayed back with Michael and play games with him.

 AJ wanted to go tubing, the only problem is that the river was really rough, worse than yesterday with whitecaps.  I drove this time and it was actually kind of fun to throw AJ around a little bit, but I couldn't throw him too much because the water was so rough!

After we got back from boating, the boys wanted to go and play at the playground.  AJ hanging trying to get taller (which he doesn't need), while Michael in the background working on his hops!

AJ decided to work on his balance and Michael you will never guess - his monkey skills!

Michael is king of the rock!!!!

The boys - they are so handsome!!!

Michael heading back to camp on his bike!

AJ all smiles riding his bike!!  That is one great thing about Lincoln Rock - lots of places for them to ride their bikes!!!  We had a great time the rest of the day playing cards and enjoying the great outdoors!!  The next day we were packing up and heading back to Cashmere.  But before that the boys and I woke up very early to head to Lighthouse Ministry in Wenatchee.

AJ said he wanted to sleep in, but begrudgingly woke up and came with us.  Here the boys are cracking over 10 dozen eggs.  They did a great job!!!!!

Michael was mixing them up really good!!!!  He had fun smashing the eggs.  After that he went and helped get the napkins ready.

They actually trusted AJ with a knife as he was cutting melon.  He did a great job!!!!  We were making breakfast  burritos for this morning breakfast.  After everything was prepped the boys helped put the eggs, sausage, potatoes and cheese into the tortillas.  We served 70 meals this morning.  After it was all said and done AJ was very glad that he came!  He said he had a great time!!!  It was really nice making a difference even if we had to be up really early.  The Lighthouse Ministry makes 19 meals a week for whoever needs it.  When we were done we headed back out to Lincoln Rock to hook up the boat and the fifth wheel and headed for home to unpack.  Later that evening the boys and I were able to have dinner with David's side of the family.   It was great to catch up with them!!!!

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