Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dinner and more boating

On Wednesday we all went down to have dinner with my Grandma where she lives.  She was very excited to have everybody there to dine with her.

We went to Grandma's apartment first before dinner.  Look how tall AJ is compared to his Great-Grandma Dot!!  It is crazy how big AJ is for only being 9.  Michael is close behind being only 7 and at her shoulders!

On Friday morning, my mom was nice enough to go out on the boat with the boys and myself.  There is a law in Washington State now that you need to have a boat license to drive a boat and I didn't have one, so Mom came with us to make it happen!!

We went down to Lincoln Rock again and look at the calm water behind Michael.  Michael decided we needed to do some more donuts in the boat and we made the river a little less calm, or he did.  :-)

Mom hanging on for dear life with her grandsons at the wheel!!  At least there is a still a smile on her face!

We decided to stop at the beach first.  AJ decided that he wanted to relax in the tube for a little while.

Michael wanted to do a little digging in the sand to see what he could find!

Mom enjoying the sunshine and time with the boys!!!!

I love my mom so much!!!  We always have such a great time together!!!

Michael decided to dig like a dog, I think he was looking for China!

The boys decided to build a sand castle, full with a moat and everything!

Even Grandma was getting a little warm, so she decided to get in the cold river.

AJ made a volcano with a wall around it.

The boys took turns pushing out the other on the tube and then pulling them back in.  It was great fun!!!

Next it was AJ's turn to drive the boat - I was a little scared, but he did a great job driving!

Michael in his normal spot out of the wind having a yummy snack!

As we were driving up the river, we saw a bald eagle flying!  It was beautiful!!!!

AJ was the only one who wanted to go tubing this time.  He loves doing it!!  Maybe when we get back to the states for good they can try water skiing!

There is a little shop there that had snow cones and they are HUGE!!!  That is only a medium, I would hate to see what a large was!

Grandma and the boys with their treat!!  Michael decided he wanted to have a milkshake instead.

I even splurged and had a small one as well.  It was a great morning and we enjoyed our time on the river!  Later that night my aunts came down for dinner and my dad cooked his wonderful ribs!!!  It was a great end to a wonderful day!!!!

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